

Responses from bombaywalla

What do you look for in damping factor?
There are many answers to this seemingly simple question! There are some that say that a low number is just fine - I think that I read on the Gamut website that 25 is sufficient. http://www.gamutaudio.com/faq/details.asp?id=16There are others that... 
Why Tube Pre-SS amp over SS Pre- Tube amp?
>> 12-27-06: Rlawry>> Tz7, I am an engineer but not an electrical engineer,>> so maybe an EE type can weigh in here. My understanding>> of MOSFET's is that their transfer function is more>> like that of tubes than tha... 
Top ten tube amps
My experience is limited but w.r.t whatever I have heard my (short) list is (in particular order) :-Bel Canto SET40 esp with manuf provided cryo'd 12AX7 + power supply & coupling cap mods. Superb sound, very musical, midrange to die for, not t... 
Greek Audiophile - Documentary Video
I know that Gregm live in Greece. Waiting to read his comments! :-) 
Wadia 861se with GNS vs Esoteric or Emm players
>> 12-11-06: Talon4>> Steve said that the 581 is a better cd player in some>> ways, but the 861se with Statement upgrade will have>> better bass authority and the SE transport mechanism>> and tray are built like a tan... 
Impact of Walker Audio Extreme SST
>> 08-15-06: Joncourage>> I'm not sure I understand how putting something between>> 2 contacts could enhance the sound, other than by>> keeping the surface of the contacts clean over time.this was my question & confusio... 
VD Revelation Speaker cables -
>> 12-06-06: Snook2>> Rick did contact me and resolved the issue.Seems like a>> true professional.Snook2, good to read that you have changed your mind re. V-D once you spoke to Rick. From my personal experience with V-D you will ... 
VD Revelation Speaker cables -
Rx8man,in the same vein, Frankpiet had a thread over in the digital forum comparing the latest Wadia CDP to other very highly acclaimed hi-end CDPs. The webmaster did not like how the other CDPs failed so miserably & that thread was also remov... 
Bel canto DAC 2
John,the DAC2 user manual/guide is available here:http://www.belcantodesign.com/pdfs/UG_DAC2.pdfI have a gut feeling that you can feed it a 24/96 signal, say, from a Monarchy 24/96 DIP unit & it will accept that signal just fine.I've not perso... 
Placette RVC review in Stereophile
>> but I would love to hear Guy or Crump take on this>> since they are the main preamp people!!!Jsadurni, Bob Crump will not chiming in on this thread anymore - he passed away nearly 1 year ago in a fatal heart-attack. May his soul res... 
First round of auditions disappointing
Seadweller,I 2nd Boa2's recommendation of Green Mountain Audio speakers & I do this from my personal experience. Like Boa2 said - their form takes on the conventional box speaker look BUT they DO NOT sound like box speakers at all. They have s... 
V=IR, Db=20 log V1/V2 , Bat 51SE
>> 2) If I amp calculating system gain in Db, it should be >> db= 10 log (X1/X2) , should the loss be 0.9db instead>> of 1.8db?No, I think that 20log() is correct as we are dealing with power ratios: V2^2/R2 div-by V1^2/R1 where ... 
Bel Canto DAC upgrade vs Scott Nixon Tube DAC
this might not be a direct answer to your question but it might provide you w/ some info:I recently compared my Scott Nixon Saru DAC+ to a DAC2. I would say that the Saru DAC+ had a very comparable sound to the DAC2 except that the DAC2 had a more... 
Passive Pre - No Regrets?
Pubul57, my man, you have done me a BIG favour by starting this thread! :-)I had EXACTLY the same idea/thought (to swap out my CAT SL1 Sig Mk 3 for a passive 'cuz it has too much gain & the resistor attenutor volume control has large steps, wh... 
When will Wadia 581 be available
>> 09-26-06: Frankpiet>> 581 is available. I´ll very soon get my GNSC modded>> 581 - looking foreward to that as the standard 581 is>> already beyond expectation (betters the 861 SE in all>> areas).Frankpiet, can you ...