

Responses from bombaywalla

Best Solid State for Avalon Isis
Rtn1,Is there anyway to measure class A power other than the continuous power it draws from the wall? you could get hold of a 10W resistor & put banana connectors or spades on its terminals. Then connect it to your amp's speaker binding posts.... 
Tube Amp for Green Mountain Audio Callisto
Scott,Tho' I not owned the exact speaker you own, I did own the Green Mtn C1.5i 3-way floor-stander. My speaker was a 6-Ohm load just as benign as your stand-mount. I was quite successful driving my floor-standers using 2 very modest amps - the Jo... 
Best Solid State for Avalon Isis
Tuboo,good comments re. class-A. I agree with you - there's a LOT of marketing hype. The more the consumers do not understand, the more the manuf seem to take advantage playing the spec game. I see this more in the USA than in Europe, Asia or Aust... 
msb Ilink vs. wadia 170i ipd docks
Jsadurni,>> I got an early version of the Squeezebox, then got the>> best modded version and when the excitement cooled down>> I compared the highly modded Squeezebox running direct>> with only WAV files harvested with EAC,... 
msb Ilink vs. wadia 170i ipd docks
Nrostov,did Wadia ever get back to you re. how much jitter they actually have in their i170? I remain interested in this bit of info. Thanks.I believe that Hot Rod Audio Mods (HRAM) also mods the i170 along those same lines (as does GNSC & may... 
My wife had an epiphany - I'm off the hook
>> Now she understands what I'm doing when I play with my>> toys. :-)you are sunk Newbee! Each time you want money for your toys she's going to deny you as she would like to have that money instead to audition guitars & other music... 
msb Ilink vs. wadia 170i ipd docks
>> How could two different publishers come up with>> different measurements that are so different? 115ps is>> very low and 3000ps is very high. That's really weird.Nrostov, it's not so weird afterall - jitter is a difficult measu... 
msb Ilink vs. wadia 170i ipd docks
Nrostov,my compliments for taking so much trouble in finding out the info from both Wadia & MSB. You certainly have gone above & beyond all other members who have participated in this thread. >> They also gave me misinformation about... 
Cat JL2 with blown board. Advice needed
>> I said the Kraft 250 was described by George as being>> lightweight and overcontrolled. This is completely>> different from saying it "lacks bass".OK, thanx for the clarification & letting us know where Ken was coming from... 
Cat JL2 with blown board. Advice needed
Tfrumweiller,good response from Ken himself. I tend to agree w/ him about DF being an indicator of bass response given that there is much interaction of the amp w/ the speaker to make just DF be the sole parameter.Very interesting comments on the ... 
1 piece of audio gear I really regret selling is..
>> 02-25-09: Audiofeil>> Apogee Duetta Signature.good to read this Audiofeil! The Apogees are indeed special speakers. Hope that you will find the money & the inclination to buy one in the future. There are many more places today t... 
Wadia 861SE with GNSC Statement Upgrade
>> At least have an idea of where this Wadia sits in the>> world of digital playback today.Chadeffect, scroll up to Bar81's original post dated 02-22-09 to see the list of players he has recently auditioned.Thanks. 
I am sick of cables
>> 02-12-09: Velo62>> Maybe you should pursue a less stressful endeavor such>> as tube rolling? ; )>> Velo62 (System | Threads | Answers)Velo62, I had a hearty laugh with this one!! Written very tongue & cheek by you (&... 
Wadia 861SE with GNSC Statement Upgrade
>> New digital is nearly always better than old digital.>> ChadeffectI like the way you state it so confidently as if it were fact! 
Wadia 861SE with GNSC Statement Upgrade
>> 02-21-09: Chadeffect>> The wadia was lacking in definition. It had a big sound>> but with little resolution or depth in soundstage.>> Dynamics were either on or off.Chadeffect, you heard what you heard. I'm not going to ...