

Responses from bombaywalla

Which preamp for Symphonic Line Kraft amps?
Jonathan_s,Thanks for the prompt reply.I will certainly keep you in mind if I make it to Houston. My Dad's school friend lives there & teaches Pharmacology at Univ of Houston. And, I have another friend in Katie.Indeed, you cannot go wrong wit... 
DIY interconnects ... found MUCH success
Hi Timtim,looks like you have been very busy constructing DIY cables! ANd, you have had great success. COngrats!I looked at you pix & got some idea of your technique.Is the cotton material weave pretty stiff so that it maintains its flat, broa... 
Which preamp for Symphonic Line Kraft amps?
Jonathan_s,you lucky so & so - a PAIR of Kraft amps! That should be -s-w-e-e-t-!!Are you anywhere close to NC that I can drop in sometime to listen to (what seems an excellent) your setup??which exact preamp really depends on your sonic taste.... 
Just bought a pair of GMA continuum 1s...
Djembeplay,I will add my 'welcome to GMA club' salutation! :-)Like Royj I feel that you got an incredible deal! I think that you will enjoy listening to these speakers immensely - they are "organic", real, vibrant & immediate in their sound. T... 
Weiss Minerva Dac
Thanks for the correction, Schwinnindia! 
Weiss Minerva Dac
Hi Satyam,Long time no speak! How are you doing?Good to read your feedback on the Weiss Medea DAC & good to read that you like the sonics from it.I believe that MBJ also received his Medea (you guys probably got it from the same source in Delh... 
Krell KID vs. Wadia i170.
Hey Optarchie,>> I am not implying that more expensive gear is better>> because it costs more but what I amsaying that if a>> 350.00 piece of gear which traditionally has a 30-40%>> dealer markup and also has profit for the... 
Krell KID vs. Wadia i170.
>> 08-26-08: Optarchie>> How could a 350.00 dollar "dock" compare to the krell>> kid?well, I think that it is nincompoop people like you who have run this audio industry into the ground by subscribing to the view that a $1200 Kre... 
Infinity Renaissance 90 or Apogee Scintilla ?
Rademaker,your question is a loaded one! ;-)The Apogee Scintilla comes in 2 flavours - one, a 1-Ohm only version & two, in a dual/user settable 4-Ohm & 1-Ohm version. The 1-Ohm version sounds much better than the 4/1-Ohm version but is inc... 
helphelphelp for a wadia 2000
Try to contact Steve Huntley at Great Northern SOund Company in Minnesota, USA.He has extensive experience w/ Wadias & he *might* be able to help.He has a company website - use your favourite search engine. 
Just got an ipod, now what?
>> 12-17-08: Hoopster>> Thanks guys,>>>> Got up and running this evening. Not a big deal after>> all...>> Don't worry, I put the ipod down after a while and am>> back to listening to LPs through tubes. So,... 
what do you know"
>> I wish Sean was still here!yes, Sean! he used to be here all the time, tirelessly & relentlessly educating the folks. he used to catch a lot of flak & probably learnt to dance well also! ;-) Many people appreciated his presence he... 
Sealed Monitor Speakers
Worldwide,I know that you wrote "sealed box monitors" only but I had to write this post!Consider the Green Mountain Audio monitors - Europa Max, Callisto & the latest Eos.They are ported but they are correctly designed ported monitors. They so... 
Someone tell me where to find wooden volume knobs
Kevin Carter @ K&K Audio also has wooden volume knobs as he uses them for the equipment that he makes himself.Try to contact him using his website: www.kandkaudio.com 
Ayre vs Boulder
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......Khrys!!!I'm wondering just how you settled on Ayre & Boulder??? I've heard Boulder a few times now & could not care less for its sonics. Of course, my personal opinion & choice. Different from...