

Responses from bombaywalla

power cables do make a difference
>> 02-21-09: Gslone>> Philjolet - I think that applies only with the Catholic>> type of cables.>> Gslone (Threads | Answers)LOL! I think that they are ALL Catholic type cables! 
running full range or not full range...huh?
It's better to remove the bottom octave (20Hz-40Hz) music completely (& send it to a sub, if you have one OR live without the bottom octave if you don't have subs) because your speakers will "open up" sound-wise. From what I've heard on others... 
Wadia 861SE with GNSC Statement Upgrade
I have the 861SE with Reference upgrade from GNSC. I still really like the looks & the sound. I don't feel compelled to change or upgrade.As AZjake wrote - Steve is tops in pre & post sales & the best person for Wadia mods.I also know ... 
Quicksilver Mid Monos vs AES Sixpacs
Well, I had 89dB 6 Ohm speakers that were also a very benign load to the amp & I selected the AES Sixpac after doing a fair bit of research.I selected these amps because I liked the fact that the feedback could be made 0 & that the EL34 tu... 
What components are manufactured in the U.S.A.?
Speakers:Green Mountain AudioMerlin MusicPBN MontanaGR ResearchCables:Audio MagicMarigo AudioXLOTARA LabsSynergistic ResearchMITNordostLuminous Audio TechCDP:WadiaThetaKrellAmps:KrellModjeski Music ReferenceTRLJolida (manuf in China, designed in U... 
The Economy.. will hi end audio mfgs lower prices?
>> 02-18-09: Jvcvcrman08>> Just to throw in my .02ยข >> This is what happens when you let in >> way too many illegal`s. >> ALL of the american jobs are now overseas >> and yet they still come here. >> The U... 
Cat JL2 with blown board. Advice needed
Bart,No one is trying to argue with you! Your inputs are well taken.What I'm trying to convey here to Defender1844 (& anybody else reading this thread) is that they are NOT limited to only s.s. power amps for their application. Basically what ... 
which non ARC poweramp do you use with ARC REF 3
I cannot answer your question directly but I can give you some guidance - select a power amp that has input impedance greater than 10K Ohms. The ARC Ref3 has an output impedance of 600 Ohms which does not work well with lower input impedance power... 
Cat JL2 with blown board. Advice needed
Bart,Well, I wanted to give Defender1844 a choice between tubes & s.s. I remain confident that the choices that I gave him for large wattage tube power amps will do the job. My confidence stems from the fact that I know of several fellow Apoge... 
Cat JL2 with blown board. Advice needed
Bart,Do be careful before you universally recommend the Kraft 250 over the CAT JL2. The Kraft 250 works for YOUR particular system - the CAT JL2 was always a misfit for your system because of the flagship Avalon speaker that you have. The CAT JL2 ... 
Driving 1 ohm
Well, depends.Ask CJ if your amp is rated down to 1 Ohm &/or meant to drive 1 Ohms loads. Most amps in the market are not & even if they are, they sound like crap!If it's rated down to 1 Ohm & meant to drive 1 Ohm then CJ should have p... 
Power Amps with High Current or High Damping
I think that you are onto the correct parameter but in an indirect sort of way. Damping factor, simplistically, is the ratio of (real part of the) speaker impedance to (the real part of the) amplifier output impedance. Remember that speaker impeda... 
Gershman Black Swans
Fplanner2000,I heard them at RMAF2007 in the Clayton room. The front-end was a 581, the preamp was a VAC (don't recall the model) & the power amps were Clayton M200 monos. I also have forgotten the cable brand. The sound was very nice. I was q... 
CAT Legend vs WAVAC PR-T1 ?
Yjk,>> I am speaking in a reasonable mood and not in a>> emotional mood.OK! Thanks for the feedback. Sorry that you had a bad experience w/ the Sig Mk2 pre. Indeed it did have an issue w/ tube life. The Mk3 is not that way at all - I'v... 
CAT Legend vs WAVAC PR-T1 ?
>> 01-29-09: Yjk>> I don't know about the Wavac, but with CAT, although>> the sonic is good, my personal experience is you>> probably going to change tubes every 6 weeks at least.>> CAT eat tubes like there is no tomo...