
Responses from bojack

How can power cords make a difference?
Ssshhhh, don't tell anyone, but you're absolutely right . . . it is voodoo. 
Telefunken E188CC Sound
Tvad,I bet your hair rocks!! 
What do you think of the DIY Cat 5 speaker cables
CAT5 is not made for audio. It is made for telephone/network. I would avoid it and would certainly never modify an amp to accomodate it. 
Telefunken E188CC Sound
Tvad,Nice to get a reply from you and others. I have had both exact tubes in preamps (AA M3A) and a CD player (Tjoeb 99). They were nice (not exceptional), and they were not worth this kind of money when compared to other brands (Philips and Amper... 
New Tubes- Need Burn-In?
I had a pair of EH EH-34s that never got rid of their glare, and from what I've read, that's not uncommon. My advice is to get the Svetlanas -- I did, and the problem was solved immediately w/no "break-in." 
Pet Peeves - my Rants and Raves
I totally agree about speaking w/someone on the phone. Yeah, if it's a low-dollar sell OK, but once you start talking 500, 1000, etc, I want to know that I'm selling to an intelligent music-lover who isn't an idiot. Call me old-fashioned. 
Longer Power Cords Sound better?
This is basically hogwash. 
Telefunken E188CC Sound
I don't know, but I do know that anyone wanting that much is a scam artist and anyone willing to pay it is a fool! 
Tube newbie - recommendations?
IMO, "casual listening" might not really call for Rogue 120s. Jolida would be a great choice as would an older C-J integrated (CAV-50). 
help me build a system for $1200
The NAD is as good, and probably better, than most receivers out there -- no need to buy amplification. Keep it and the rest and grab a really nice pair of speakers on Audiogon (Vandersteen, Spendor, KEF, Paradigm, Von Shwaikart, etc). 
Lifting speaker cables
Please!!!!!!!!! Lifting cables is %$#@!@ and has no effect on "tonality" or any other facet of sound. I mean, really folks. 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
For me, achieviving what one's definition of correct tonal balance is the key to long-term happines w/a system. What is the easiest, most cost-effective way to achieve that? High quality tone controls/EQs. 
All Japanese system
I know that a lot of Japanese enthusiasts like the big, old-school Tannoys w/the pulp concentric drivers. These might cost you a good bit themselves. 
High Efficiency Monitors - List
You might want to check out some of the older Paradigm models (3se in particular). I think they were fairly efficient (90-91db), but they were medium-sized monitors w/8" drivers. 
YBA 2 Alpha preamp and general preamp questions
The only thing I know about the YBA pre is that it has a dual-mono design and that it has a decidedly solid-state presentation according to more than one reviewer. I've had the AA M3A in my system and it was killer good and dead quiet. I think the...