
Responses from bojack

"Crack" sound in left speaker tube amp
It may be that you have an arcing tube. Arcing gives off a loud "pop/crack" heard thru the speaker, usually after the first few seconds or minutes of being powered up. Turn the lights off, power up, and watch the power tubes. You will be able to c... 
Any Tom Waits Fans?
Heck, yeah. Best show I EVER saw was Waits at the Fox in Atlanta on his Glitter and Doom tour...the coolest crowd, too. He started an hour late, but when he started, it was like nothing I'd ever heard. His band was killer too. Utterly effortless a... 
Noobie looking for advice
First, you'll need a decent receiver or preamp w/a phono stage. You might check out some of the older NADs that have good phono stages, as they can be had for not a lot. If you're satisfied w/the sound of this, I'd say stop and invest your money i... 
Name your lame duck artist........
Yes they can. 
Name your lame duck artist........
Yeah, I was listening to my local jazz show the other night, and thought, "Jeez, what is this?" It was Patricia Barber, and just horrendously awful (not that she has "made it," but still really bad.) 
Can I use two preamps?
Thanks for the advice all, and I think I will try a 3dB attenuator first like you said Stanwal to see if that works. This is obviously cheaper than getting two, and it might just work. Rwwear, unfortunately, my M60s are not balanced, so the XLRs a... 
Can I use two preamps?
Excellent and logical suggestions for solving the balance problem, but I specifically want the QS pre, as I have QS amps and really like the sound. I was looking for a more technical answer in regards to simply using one channel, etc. 
How can you not have multichannel system
I see your point, Kal. What I was getting at was that most live shows do not have dedicated surround channels via speaker banks behind and around the audience. 
How can you not have multichannel system
Ummm...when acts like the Stones and Radiohead introduce "surround sound" as part of their live shows, I'll invest in multichannel. But that will never happen. Sooo, my point is... 
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
Always thought Ernestine Anderson was amazing on a good system. Her "best of CD" w/several live recordings is very, very good. 
Christmas Jazz Anybody?
I know that Wynton came out with some Xmas tunes w/Mumbles a while back (early 90s)...might have been "Crescent City Christmas." I taped it off FM back in the day but never knew what the release was, but the tunes walk the fine line between tradit... 
TUBE HELP with 5AR4 Rectifier
I may be wrong, but aren't rectifier tubes out of the signal path, i.e. they do not amplify? If so, how would they make a difference in sound? 
Mono Block tube amp or Stereo Tube amplifier?
Macrojack, is this why Rush uses tubes? My point is that watts is watts, and tubes do just fine with any type of music : ) 
Where to put my Shakti stone?
Just what I needed for an afternoon AG classic thread. 
Ear protection for concerts
IMO, one's hearing is too valuable not to invest in custom protection. Check out Westone plugs...they are affordable and well worth it. I own a pair due to hearing loss in my left ear and love them. BTW, they attenuate evenly and are comfortable. ...