
Responses from bojack

EL-34: JJ Tesla or Electro-Harmonix?
I recently went thru your exact situation and found the following:Tesla's: an unoffensive tube, evenly balanced, but just a hair lean in the midbassEH: Very lean, a sibilant bite in the mid treble, didn't make me want to listenSvet Winged C: Yes. ... 
Tough Choice: Proac D25 or Dynaudio Special 25
I'm sure both of these are fine speakers, but how do know that you will really like either one w/o having auditioned them? This could end up being a risky move IMO, as many have gone down this same path only to get burned. 
DIY Internal bracing for NHT 2.9
Don't do it. Narrod is right, as you'll simply be shifting the resonance to a higher frequency. If the resonance is too offensive, sell them. 
Energy damping or energy transfer?
Cdc -- Clever. I've noticed, however, that doors tend to reflect light, thus making the system more bright. That's one reason I took the door off my system. 
Clear upgrade from 10T's?
You might be hard-pressed to find a speaker that performs at its best that close to the wall. You might consider looking for a transmission line design from Spendor, Fried, or Carolina Audio. I think these are supposed to behave better near walls ... 
Stupid Bellari Q
If the tube is not working, the unit should not be working. And some tubes give off more light than others. It's according to the size and placement of the filaments. 
Energy damping or energy transfer?
What is dynamic coherence, and how do vibrations affect it? Thanks -- anyone. 
What Irish music will you be playing on St Pat's?
Led Zepplin: I figured England isn't THAT far away. 
Elevating line conditioners....
Many people elevate them because it looks really cool. My personal take on the issue is a bit different, however. I pose that doing things like this can also act as a psychological counter to a personal deficit or to something one cannot control. ... 
Unusually good power cord for the money?
The best cord is the one that came w/the component! "A fool and his money are soon parted." 
Where does your user name come from?
a combination of the sophisticated "Bo" from ancient Southern folklore and the name of a man who helped my great-grandfather farm for 60 years. 
Anyone heard these? How do they sound?
Yes, I've heard these at a Linn retailer in Charlotte, and I thought they sounded good hooked up to an all Linn system. They were dynamic and a wee bit lean in the bass/mid-bass, but nice. And they are a nice size -- medium -- and don't dominate a... 
Suggestions for Tower stereo speakers
You might consider a pair of used Vandersteen 2Cs. They would best your current choices in every way. There is a ton of info on these. 
Energy damping or energy transfer?
If you were to do a blind AB test w/a system using after-market damping and a system using the factory supplied rubber feet, I doubt you could tell the difference. Yes, TTs need damping, but IMO the magic cones, energy dispersion crystals, maple b... 
Tube amp recommendation for $1000
Check out the Quicksilver MiniMites (monos): 25 watts, accept a variety of tubes, are quiet, reliable, inexpensive to retube, and sound killer good. I own them and have been extremely pleased.