
Responses from bojack

Most sophisticated and intelligent musician
Lyrically, Beck's stuff on Odeley was sick smart. I'd also add Paul Simon and Tom Waits for lyrics. Theo, props on Gilmour for his beautiful phrasing on guitar...he hits licks and subtleties that one cannot imagine being played any other way. 
Recommended Shostakovich?
His 5th, 7th, and 9th are the most performed, w/the 10th's second movement being one of the most intense second movements of all time IMO. The 7th (Leningrad) is wonderfully brooding, w/the 5th and 9th being more upbeat (in the Russian sense). The... 
Review: NAD 3120 Amplifier
Yeah, my 7225PE (same amp w/tuner) still sounds so good it's scary, and mine stayed powered up for almost 10 years straight w/zero issues and still keeps going. This particular circuit just sounds "right" to my ears. 
Can I ground my preamp?
Quick update here: I lifted the ground on each amp via cheater plugs and voila...hum gone. Thanks for all the advice, and I've learned quite a bit. 
Can I ground my preamp?
Wow, this is more complicated than I thought. I think I will try your suggestion first, Stingreen, to see. BTW, the amps are the only grounded components (CD, DVD, and preamp are all non-grounded). Am on work travel, but I'll report back when I ge... 
Can I ground my preamp?
Hey Stanwal,Thanks for this advice, and I will definitely try this. 
Music you HATE the most but once you LOVED it
I like YES and did not mean to speak badly of their musical ability or their creativity. They are VERY good, but they tend to be hit or miss in their catalogue IMO. 
Favorite Pianists
As one who grew up listening to Marian McPartland every Saturday night on my local NPR station, I have to say that she is a wonder and a blessing to America's jazz culture. She will always be the greatest in my book for this alone. 
Music you HATE the most but once you LOVED it
Don't get me wrong, YES is an awesome band, and they are members of the great Pantheon. I think what I should have said is that they tend to be hit or miss for me, with their strong songs being damn good and their weaker ones being...well, weak. 
Music you HATE the most but once you LOVED it
Bowie is stone classic and IMO never gets old. YES, OTOH, is on my list of music that I loved when I was younger but sounds a bit soulless to me now. 
how to clean brushed aluminum faceplate?
WD40 works well. 
Trade- off, power SS vs tube magic.
Music is a peaceful endeavor, so let's leave the flames at home, OK? As Prince said, "I have two sides, and they both friends." 
B&W CDM-1 original ............... opinions wanted
I did an in-home demo of these back in the day and didn't think they were special. The mids sounded thin and a bit "pinched"...not as fleshed out, smooth, or as dynamic as my Fried Q5s. They didn't sound bad, just not my cup of tea. 
Which hdtv would you recommend and why?
Don't fall for the LED based on a hyped up store display! Plasma is still a very, very good technology, and they are affordable. LEDs are initially impressive, and my god, they are overpriced. 
Which hdtv would you recommend and why?
Samsung plasma 450 series (42") is what I picked up a year ago, and it's been killer. The advantage of the Samsungs over the Panasonics is that they have more picture control, which is useful if you are obsessed w/customizing your viewing experien...