
Responses from bojack

What's the best pre-amp to use with the Acurus
I had an A80 paired briefly w/an Aud Illusion M3, and it produced a transparent soundstage that blew my mind...truly three dimensional and DEEEEP. However, it was a bit too bright in the upper end, which was the Acurus. You might try a CJ or Cary.... 
Hello, I may have a chance to go to
Interesting dilemma. I would call your local dealer and ask or do some on-line research. I am sure that it's a simple answer that anyone w/some basic engineering knowledge would know...and have fun in japan :) 
How to choose cables for my system
Extavoganza's "if you want more bass, try thicker cables and interconnects" is completely bogus. Get some used Audioquest (or Best Buy/Radio Shack) within your budget and you'll be completely happy. 
guitar solos where less is more
Check out David Gilmour Live at Royal Albert Hall (DVD) (2-disc)...very tasty w/o flash. I would also say Vince Gil takes a similar approach, though his songs are a wee bit different than Gilmour's. 
Have $3000...what would you buy?
85 tickets to the symphony? 
Trying to ID this peice of classical
Oh my...this doesn't sound familiar. 
looking for advice on bookshelf speakers
A simple option to smooth and lessen treble energy, without the pain of experimenting with costly component changes, is an equalizer. It may not be audiophile accepted, but who cares if it helps you listen. You might check out dbx models readily a... 
Tweeter replacement
Stanwal is right...will probably mess up driver integration. BUT, you might want to try it if it's a simple swap out. If it sounds better, hey, why not. 
Best "small footprint" speaker between $600-1000
I heard the Quad 12Ls (I think that was the model) and thought they sounded great...might be worth a shot. 
Upgrade suggestions for Parasound/Dynaudio system
Before you go buying expensive new gear, which may even make your system leaner, do a quick frequency response using a test CD. You could have a severe suckout somewhere in the midbass/lower mids region, where much of the "fat" is (my mids region ... 
Speaker recommendations for small space
I second the S3/5s or the original SP 1/3s (not the SP 1/3Ps). The latter are rare as hens' teeth on AG, though. 
Man in need of new music
Oh, yeah...I second the live performance advice. You'll immediately understand what true tonal balance sounds like, and you'll hear how the strings sounds "as one." A good recording will mimic this effect without "spotlighting" the violins or any ... 
Man in need of new music
It can be tough to find TRULY well-engineered recordings, but I have found that anything recorded by Tony Faulkner, a British engineer, is a cut above the rest. His recordings just sound better IMO. I agree that Dvorjak is very accessible (his 7th... 
Lou Reed/Metallica "Lulu" just awful
A big Reed fan here, but Reed and Metallica is just wrong on so many levels...YIKES. 
A Good Match?
Consider a used NAD 270 or 272. Affordable and good power w/some meat on the bones.