
Responses from bob_bundus

Deleterious effects of bridging ??
I was told recently, by two knowledgable people, that bridging does in fact degrade an amp's damping factor. This is probably yet another case of "try it yourself to see what happens" esp. in light of positive experiences (ie: Hifiexpert) shared a... 
Before They Were Famous
John Hiatt with The Hounds early fame in Chicago area late 70's. 
Cable / Upgrade Recommendation
Also you might look at your AC power situation: upgrade AC cords &/or power line conditioning equipment. Another approach is look into resonance control: shelves, cones, Vibrapods can work wonders at fine tuning problems such as you mention ab... 
Cable / Upgrade Recommendation
Might be best to try some different interconnects as the T2 speaker cable is reported a "warm" performer as you say. Contact Joe Abrams for recommendations he was very helpful to me: 
Yes you would/should benefit by running balanced interconnects over a length that long; reduces noise & RFI pickup. 
Power cords - a BASIC question
You'll never know the true capabilities of your present components until you find the right cabling to optimize them. Learned this from much experience, after being a "cable skeptic" for too many wasted years. 
turntable problem--???????need help
Try installing a .01uF 200V cap across the AC switch contacts, to snub those nasty counter emf switching transients. 
Adding an IEC outlet to TV set
Jay it should help, just as an AC conditioner should, but to find out for sure here's a quicky test you could try. Cut your stock line cord close to the back panel (within ~6"). Attach your chassis-mount IEC to the pigtail using crimp-on fastons, ... 
"Pop" in pre-amp
Must agree with Jim. Leave it on = always warm; it will sound better that way & no transients to cause problems. 
Moderately priced phono preamps
McCormack phono stage is nice economical: used ~$300 to $400 w/ versatile cartrige R & C loading & strappable gain MM or MC, for any possible future directions your rig may take. 
Tax time
Yeah at least we're at home in the sweet spot, vs. chasing skirts or flushing our $ at the bar! 
why low impedance speakers?
Low Z speakers (4 ohm) can get up to twice the output power out of the same amp as Higher Z (8+ ohm) designs. They're helping you save some $, spending less, not more. 
Tax time
I've been selling surplus equipment to pay the taxes coming due in 2 weeks. But when I buy something I just do it; she may or may not notice, doesn't matter. 
If you knew then, what you know now...
My most painful lesson in retrospect: I had an absolutely wonderful synergy with some older Luxman equipment which is of course no longer available. I knew that it would eventually fail one day, & so I tried to collect all of the manuals, part... 
Is my Salesman telling the Truth?
Your salesperson may be relating his own experiences truthfully so I can't argue there. That said: I must emphasise that my own experiences with "networked design cables on single wire post speakers" has been very satisfactory.