
Responses from bob_bundus

Power Cord for which COMPONENTS????
The only way you will know "which component benefits most from the Mamba" is to try it & find out. I always begin AC cord upgrades at the preamp, then move to the PA & then source components are done last. If you begin at the source & ... 
My Poop theory by kublakhan
When you install something new, it's DIFFERENT at least for awhile, then you get used to it & it's not different anymore. That boredom thing. Need something else different then. I think it (that boredom awareness)is fleshing out your lack of s... 
What to do when you receive damage goods
Rdr your feedback looks pretty good anyways, so you probably won't have any problems (hopefully) because of that. Do appreciate the heads-up warning & thanks much for sharing. I'd do business with you anyday. 
Darn it, I scratched my Roland Now what
Gare what a bummer: sorry to hear about that, but it happens to most of us sooner or later. If you must try a compound: get POLISHING compound not rubbing compound. Some times a black permanent marker (Sharpie ultra fine tip) or a Marks-a-lot can ... 
Input Impedance Measurement
Hi Li thanks for the compliment; I could have suggested that method, which is similar to the way I sometimes measure speaker impedance curves. I just didn't want to attempt teaching ohm's law on-thread. Your approach is certainly valid & in fa... 
Sunfire Signature Amp
Try emailing Sean offthread & ask him; I think he's using that amp. 
Looking for a "Tube Guide"
There are numerous good books of a tubular nature available from Parts Connection division of Sonic Frontiers website. 
Input Impedance Measurement
952 ohms for your parallel network above; a 5% error. May or may not be significant for the particular application. 
Comments on the Magnum Dynalab MD-100
Hg I've been wondring too. If you call Dynalab for their opinion then I'd appreciate hearing their take on that question. I may even ask them myself, as I'm leaning toward selling my FT101 for either the MD102 or MD100. 
Input Impedance Measurement
To get some idea of that value you could measure straight in DC resistance with a VOM, but be sure that power is turned off or you'll DC your amp & speakers. You probably don't have an impedance bridge, but if you do have access to a 1kHz aud... 
resolution audio
I think someone said that Parts Connection div. of Sonic Frontiers has them available? Confirmation anyone? 
"more forgiving speakers"
Very well said Jmcgrogan: the detail vs. musicality balancing issue is one that I've struggled with for a very long time. Certainly it would be great to have both, but I guess the compromise is to have two great rigs, one each tuned appropriately.... 
How to get rid of transformer hum?
A Shakti Stone electromagnetic stabilizer may be a useful fix for this application (at least one for each amp) 
Synergistic Research IC Active Shielding
No Mr. Garland I don't know that shielding voltage, but a VOM test would tell very quickly. I wonder if S.R. offers a choice? Or if you might be able to swap out the one-chip DC regulator inside of a wall wart supply? For myself I asked them for ... 
Need silver power cord help
Maybe you could buy a complete cord from Stage 3 & then re-use their parts to improve the design. That would tell you if you've re-invented the wheel, actually made any progress, or lost headway.