
Responses from blueswan

Satellite or CATV?
Bills fans... I like the turnaround Drew Bledsoe has made and I think he will take them to the playoffs! Also, if Doug Flutie starts that Tennessee game, the Homerun Throwback would have been just a footnote to a Bills victory, and I am a diehard ... 
link between speaker and floor
When I moved my system to a beautiful black ceramic tile floor, I used 1/2 inch Walker Discs under all the spikes... no spike holes or scratches. 
Sound Lab M1 vs Magnepan 3.6
I have auditioned the Sound Labs many times and have owned the Maggies. The SLs have lots more resolution and IMO are not as tweaky in their room placement, toe-in, etc. The Sound Labs throw an enormous sound stage with good tube gear and the HF c... 
Should preamp be left turned on?
From a recommendation right here in the forum, I just purchased a Pass Aleph P preamp from a fellow Agoner. It does not even have a power switch! It is an excellent piece. 
Cardas Caps on unused digital jacks?
This is a very subtle tweak, but I beleive they offer an improvement. After covering all the unused jacks in my system with Cardas caps, I listened for several weeks. I then removed them all and noticed that the HF had a bit of an edge and the mid... 
Class A amplifier choice, need suggestions
My bad...I am courting suggestions on the purchase of a class A biased amp. Evidently, many of them are also Class A in quality.My apologies and many thanks! 
Class A amplifier choice, need suggestions
Thanks to all of you for your help! It is with your help that I found and purchased a Pass Labs Aleph P Class A preamp with adjustable gain right here on Audiogon, and I am sure I can do the same in my search for a class A amplifier. I will make i... 
What do you currently own that was bought on 'Gon?
Proac Response 3.8 speakersTara Air-1 interconnectsPass Labs Aleph Preamp 
Which gear to ground?
Lall, I prefer to never chassis ground any component with and external wire. If a component only has a two-prong power cord, such as TVs and CATV boxes, then an external ground should not be needed. I also prefer not to use cheater plugs on 3-pron... 
Electronics don't matter, Part III
Sounds like you have a great combo! Burn in generally reveals itself as a more liquid, natural sound and the removal of edginess. Give it a few weeks. Now that you have some excellent gear, it is time to play with positioning your Virgos, they can... 
Preamps with variable gain... pros and cons?
Thanks guys,I will check out Rowland, Pass and McCormack. 
Hurricane sounds - very dynamic but bad
LjgjHaving lived through one hurricane is plenty for me... no electricity, no sewer service, no water, contaminated water, debris everywhere, roads and bridges impassable.Lafayette, La. is a great little town, and they sure know how to cook! Love ... 
To DAC or not to DAC?
Gbm4th, I have a SONY 9000 SACD/DVD. I have added an external Accuphase DC-61 DAC and I am quite pleased with the results. For Redbook CD, the Sony outputs a 44.1 signal which the DAC picks up and re-clocks. I then have the option of up-sampling o... 
Curing ground loop hum with a power conditioner ?
I agree with Ksales. I have used a Mondial MAGIC ground isolation transformer for my cable TV for over 10 years. Since it was installed, I have never had ground loop hum or needed cheater plugs. I believe they are available at Audio Advisor... a u... 
Which cone's or platforms have helped?
I have tried numerous setups over the last 20 years and the Walker Valid Points/Discs are the best I have ever heard.