
Responses from blueswan

Cable TV hum and related ??'s
Many thanks to Bob_bundus.I researched the Forum and found a solution which works for me. I grounded the incoming CATV line to an isolated ground near the house ground. It was poorly grounded to the outside electrical box cover, which introduced p... 
Speaker Posts
I feel your pain... Been there, done that...More times than I care to remember!However, my Accuphase amp gives me huge binding posts with lots of thread to work with, but I still had to install replacement binding posts on my speakers to get the c... 
Signal or load required for break-in?
Without a signal, you will do little more than warm up the units. Bob_bundus has the right idea... maybe use an FM signal or a CATV music channel as a continous source. Hope your move goes well! 
improving my system, please help
I agree with Sedond, I would be hard pressed to give up my Air Tight tube preamp. My bad... I missed the keyword 'vertical' in the previous thread. 
improving my system, please help
I bought my Room Tunes years ago from but I think they sell other types now. Definitely proceed cautiously when treating a room or you may deaden it to the point of lifelessness... a dry and technical sound, not musical at all... 
improving my system, please help
A dedicated 20 amp outlet and an inexpensive set of Room Tunes are good cost effective improvements. The HT-2000, will benefit your entire system on a dedicated line. The Rogue 66 should be a bit more musical and open than the CJ, but I think with... 
Placebo Effect...a good thing?
Some thoughts about the double-blind argument... First of all, when you change out a component for such a test, the ground configuration is changed and can alter the sound unless the the entire system is turned off and then on again. Even the orde... 
Please explain clipping
Clipping occurs when one attempts to play music louder than the amplifier can deliver. It is characterized by extreme harshness and edginess in the high frequencies. The musical signal is literally 'clipped' off, resulting in a squared off signal.... 
Adding jumpers at the speaker posts only moves the signal separation point from inside the speaker to just outside the speaker. In a a true biwire setup, the separation is at the binding posts of the amplifier. I have rewired my Maggies so that th... 
Problem with tube preamp - any help...
The mute button on the Rogue 66 does not completely cut the signal, it only drops it 20dB or so, and you can still hear music if you turn up the volume, which then amplifies the crosstalk to audible levels. Turn the volume down, then make sure the... 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
Honetsty about what you can afford is the best approach. To finance my hobby, I drive a 5 year old, 4 cylinder econo-car which is paid for. My family enjoys watching DVDs with soundtrack through my stereo system. There is plenty of time to enjoy m... 
Twinsdad makes a good point.I bought the Sony 9000ES for 2 reasons...1-It was a significant step up from my previous CD player2-My family enjoys watching DVD moviesTo be sure, there is better digital playback available, but this all-in-one package... 
Power cable suggestions for sony 9000es
Tireguy, I liked the Tara AC reference and eventually upgraded to the Tara Decade AC. I think there is still an AC ref. for sale here... search for 'Tara'. It is a decided improvement over the stock cord. Good Luck. 
Effects of protection disks under spikes
Metaphysics, no you are not... spike marks are a genuine concern for many audiophiles. I use the Walker Discs between component cones and the shelves, and also between equipment stand/speaker spikes and the floor. They provide a very good coupling... 
Top Ten Tweaks
I agree with Ezmeralda and Dekay... a few hours spent on speaker placement will pay great dividends. Also, an inexpensive set of Room Tunes works wonders. Guess I missed the spirit of the thread.