
Responses from blueswan

Analog outputs on Accuphase DP-75v
I have an Accuphase DC-61 DAc and recently switched from RCA to XLR to go to my Pass Aleph P preamp. I noticed a difference... a bit more open and musical but a bit less resolution. Since it is not a slam dunk either way, I will need more experime... 
Have problem choosing cables XLO or Tara Labs ??
I also like Tara Labs. I use the Decade from DAC to preamp and Air 2 everywhere else. The Air 1 is just a bit too revealing and fast for my taste, and the Air 3 comes off a bit thin. Got them all used right here! Cannot afford The One but maybe so... 
What's under YOUR CD player?
Sony 9000ES... set of Walker Valid Points brass cones on their matching lead discs on a lead filled Lovan Sovereign stand. Tara Labs Decade power cord. 
Well, I have finally balanced it...
You can usually find Tara Ref Gen XLRs used for less than half list price here at Audiogon. It is OK to use balanced and RCA as you describe (do not try to mix left and right channels this way, nor use both XLR and RCA at the same time though!). I... 
Well, I have finally balanced it...
Hey BobAfter several days of listening to my balanced cables, I have noticed more air, or separation, between individual instruments and vocals across the soundstage left to right as well as front to back. I did not have this to this degree with s... 
bolting speakers to floor?
I would not recommend this because your speakers would become seismometers, transfering every tiny bit of mechanical energy of vibration to the voice coils and would degrade the sound. As an alternative, I would seek out a speaker stand that has a... 
Merlin VMS versus VMPS RM-40 versus Proac 3.8
I have enjoyed my 3.8s for over a year now. They are very laid back, accurate, neutral and have a lot of resolution. They will not deliver thundering bass nor will they blow you out of the room. However, they can play loud enough for me (well over... 
Hum Pre-Amp/DVD Player/Scaler
Do you have a CATV or satellite connected to the system? If so, they are usually grounded to the house ground and will cause a hum when connected to the system. Hook everything up and then disconnect this lead. If the hum goes away... voila! I use... 
Help me tame the brightness of my Triangles
Try different spikes under your speakers. Stock spikes are sometimes made of standard grade steel and impart the unpleasant sound in the upper midrange that you describe. I would recommend brass, stainless, or heat treated steel (each will sound a... 
Another look at directionality in cables
Hey Bigtee, good to hear from you. The arrows many times are simply there so that when cables are re-installed or used elsewhere, they are connected in the same direction in which they were broken in. On some interconnects, the shield is only term... 
Tara Labs RSC Master Gen II XLR
Tara Labs cables are extremely neutral and somewhat laid back. The Air Series (Air 3, Air 2 and Air 1 in increasing quality) are far superior to the Master Gen II series, especially in HF control and resolution. If you can afford a few more dollar... 
Best All In One Learning Remote $500
I just got a Home Theater Master MX-500. It is easy to learn and easy to program and was only about $200.00. It controls all the functionality of my Sony Wega TV, Sony DVD player, my CATV box and I easily programmed my Accuphase DAC commands onto ... 
After Market Power Cables - Gold or Snake Oil?
I agree, after market power cords have made a great improvement in my system. If you are skeptical, as you always should be, start off with some used low-cost cords here on Audiogon at about half retail. The sellers are ususally upgrading to more ... 
Help amp hum is driving me crazy
This sounds like a problem that you cannot simply cover up with filtering or lifting the ground. You should probably consider a reputable repair shop. I am sure someone here knows of a good shop in your area. The only other alternative is to repla... 
This is
Wow, good setup! Looks like the next step is to decide what finer points of the system you wish to bring out. For example, do you need a warmer sound, more resolution, more slam, or less of the same? You may consider trying the best cables (cost n...