
Responses from bigtee

Does it matter which end is connected?
Look up cables directionality in the archives. This has been hashed out many times and yes, wire is directional. Whether it really affects the sound THAT much is up to you to decide. 
Vandersteen's, optimum placement, room limitations
I too feel your room deminsions will not allow you to get the best out of the 3A Sigs. The closer to the wall, the more bottom you will have but the soundstage will strink.Your equipment is an excellent match. I too use the V5x with an Aesthetix C... 
B&W N 805 vs. N 805 Sig. Opinions?
I can't shed anymore light on this than I have but I will say it comes from a very trusted source "In the business." We will all have to wait and see what comes of it. It will simply be an "Economy" model of the current signature speaker. 
Best player of SACD's and HDCD's
I can't recall seeing an SACD player that decodes HDCD honestly. But, if you want an SACD player, move up the Sony line to a xa9000es or a used xa777es. Both are excellent players of SACD multi-channel (the 9000 a touch better with multi-channel) 
B&W N 805 vs. N 805 Sig. Opinions?
B&W is going to offer a $2500 version of the 805 SIG shortly. It will be offered in several "Standard" cabinet finishes only. I think this will make it one heck of a good deal.How do I know---can't say, but watch for it towards the end of Nove... 
Sony SCD-XA777ES or SCD-1
Sony, I am currently looking at a Wadia 861se(I'm also looking at the Musical Fidelities Tri-Vista player.) I sold a Meridian 508-24 to purchase the Sony for SACD purposes. The xa777es pretty much holds its own with that player. Its not better, ju... 
Sony SCD-XA777ES or SCD-1
They're some upgrade paths for the 9000es that are worth investigating that make it an excellent player. I personally own a xa777es and while it is a very, very good player, I am now considering investing in a CD only player. I really don't think ... 
Sony DVD recomendations..
No question in my mind, the 9000es player. 
Speakers for quality listening & occasional party
Find you a pair of NHT 2.5i's or even a pair of 2.9's. The 370 can drive them, they are both fairly accurate in hifi terms and they will play loud with good bass. 
which subwoofer?
I will second the Vandersteen 2wq. It would blend seemlessly with the Kestrels using an 80hz first order filter into your amp inputs as described for the Vandersteen sub. This would serve to open up the Kestrel's and give you an HONEST low end. If... 
Tube replacement for the Calypso?
The Ayre K1x was my next choice in a preamp if I hadn't gotten the tube thing straightened out. I don't think you went wrong with it Msaines. It is truly an excellent preamp. 
Tube replacement for the Calypso?
I think they, like Audible Illusions, went through a bad batch of the Sovteks. It happens. They test well at first and then die. Mine made crackle noises and some hiss. It was always one tube that went bad out of the set and always the 12ax7. A ma... 
Vandersteen 5a. How refined a product are they
Give me a break. Vandersteen hardly advertises and when they do it is a very small ad. I don't know where you get off with saying they are any magazines favorite either. Stereophile has never given (Vandersteen)them a great review let alone accura... 
How do you know if a cable is neutral?
You really don't know. Each system the cable is inserted in will interact differently with a different possible result. I have often wondered how you actually tell also. You would have to have a known absolute to compare it to which I don't think ... 
Tube replacement for the Calypso?
I too went through three factory replaced pairs of Sovtek 12ax7's before I found a quiet pair. The 6dj8's in my unit sounded less stringent than the 6h23 Type III's (which I have several pairs of.) As you said, it is system dependent and in saying...