
Responses from audiozenology

Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
Someone is really dense if they think wavelength magically makes EM "different". 
Time to buy a class D amp?
Tim,In theory the "signal" stops and starts as recorded so that is accurate. The problem is the woofer does not stop right away. In a lower damping factor amp the output resistance will help dissipate the energy in the woofer which can give it a m... 
Watts and power
JerryBJ,No to belabor a point, but someone that accuses others of trolling I understand has even sent private messages to people asking them to report threads they did not like. 
Watts and power
Oh come on Clearthink. You can do better than that. I am not sure that rant is even worthy of inclusion in my book, "Clearthink's Practical book of Impractical Rants". I have come to expect much more of you. 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
Don't tell a certain someone that you can build an AM band transmitter with a 2" antenna too. Those 10 meter band walkie talkies with little antennas couldn't work either. No idea how bad power supplies radiate 10 meter RF ... Enclosed and battery... 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
Hey Clearthink, I was hoping you could give me some heads up on your stalk-trollung. I was already about 40 pages into "Clearthinks Practical book of Impractical Rants". If I knew I would be adding several pages today I would have gotten out of be... 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
So enjoyable to read people espouse about antennas but not know how they work. It is something one can see on every Internet forum, every day ... nothing to see here. 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
Since I don't interact with trolls, can someone tell the troll, who does not understand antennas that antennas are bidirectional, whether used as such as the time.  
Time to buy a class D amp?
Thanks for the post Erik, I had not seen that NP article. There were some good papers in the 70s on current source amps.I agree with Atmosphere, you can overdamp some speakers. I am not sure I totally agree with your and his explanation wrt how ba... 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
For the next act, an explanation of how a 1700 foot am broadcast wave is picked up by a 2 inch antenna. May be some useful information in there .... Then again someone may throw out some "scalar wave" woohoo (they don't exist). 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
Thanks for the comic interlude Clearthink. Are you finished stalking for the day, or should I expect more angry posts? I am putting together a compendium of your rants and just want to know how much time I should allocate today??? 
Watts and power
Optimize, amplifier power tests, right or wrong are made into constant resistance loads. The equations I posted are simple extensions of ohms law. All that is required is to use RMS values. They work.With inductive and capacitive loads there may b... 
Watts and power
Nice try ghi, but if anyone is stalking, you are stalking me. I posted 6 times in this thread before you did. You are free to post whatever you want, but if you post erroneous information that you can’t back up, people like me are quite warranted,... 
Watts and power
When you keep sticking your foot in your mouth and showing lack of knowledge, even about the things you claim to be the expert on, are you surprised I would expect you lack knowledge in amplifiers , things of which you keep making erroneous statem... 
Watts and power
Georgehifi,So let me get this right. You design with Cadmium Photocells but you don’t know they are ACTIVE semiconductor devices? That’s right, active semiconductor devices. Period. End of story. Not debatable even. My gosh. You don’t even know ho...