
Responses from audiozenology

My stereo receiver is a little too bright. Can a cable help me out?
Well it has happened. I have to completely agree with Millercarbon on this one, and jnorris, and jnovak, stereo5, etc.  It's a sunk cost. Sell it to someone who doesn't care about audio quality, get as much money as you can, then move on. 10lbs of... 
Considering the option of "DSP speakers"
None of which negates what was written:- The working conditions are not "horrific" in the vast majority of the factories.- Factory workers have safe food (and water)- Purchase price parity is 1/2 the US, so money for staples goes much further.No, ... 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
Guessing you have little to none in a professional capacity. We are talking basic circuitry here ...Follow the crowd?  No, follow how things actually work, not how you wished they did. 
Considering the option of "DSP speakers"
Most people have never been to China. Most people have never set foot in a Chinese factory let alone many Chinese factories. Those people write things such as this which are founded in ignorance. That is not to say things are perfect there, obviou... 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
Filters, electronics, speakers, etc. ... over 30. You? 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
So pretty much you are "arguing" from a point of complete ignorance w.r.t. electronic circuits. Got it. Carry on. 
Watts and power
Past life.  Huh? 
More questions about dedicated lines
jea48Heck of a lot of good advice in that post!If you are in a major city, I don't think you will have too much trouble finding steel armoured cable. Most of the major electrical distributors will stock it, though maybe not in their branch outlets... 
Watts and power
Georgehifi,Here is the difference between me and you. Your posts are all conjecture and hand-waving. Conjecture and hand waving is ..... well just that.Again, let's look at facts:1500 watts into 2 ohms is 27 amps100 watts into 2 ohms is 7 ampsMaxi... 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
Stereo5, w.r.t. flat response:   This is one of the major goals of room acoustics ... to achieve a flat frequency response. Audiophile eschew tone controls, but then place speakers in a somewhat or poorly treated room ... and that room is tone con... 
Watts and power
I will guarantee something you have not done ... listen to the Alexia with the Behringer. They may not be fancy, and they may not be what we traditionally think of as "hi-fi" but they are designed to drive loads every bit as harsh as the Alexia, a... 
Watts and power
No, you are wrong Georghifi , and I see you have made this wrong claim many times on this forum and even though many people have told you you are wrong, you keep making it.Phase-angle w.r.t. load impedance is only "harsh" in that it places signifi... 
Watts and power
erik_squires,Did you look into resonances? It is not uncommon to use the "cross-over" to damp a resonance. Your assumption is that the cross-over designer was competent as well. Especially in boutique audio, my experience is that is often not the ... 
Watts and power
Define "read the most correctly". Are you am amplifier design/EE?If you don't exceed the rated continuous or peak wattage at a given impedance, then you have enough current (and voltage).  Georgehifi is making assumptions about performance that ar... 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
Some sacred texts never change, no matter what we know or learn. Texts related to science are always being updated as we learn. cleeds2,645 posts12-22-2019 1:39pm There are also fundamentalist zealots, who insist their infallible sacred texts reve...