
Responses from audiozenology

The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
Show me a cable with bad professional reviews ... 
Watts and power
Did my research. Stand by my post. You don't seem to have actual amplifier architecture design experience.  You adapted the compression circuit from mixers to make a pre-amp billed as passive, though technically not passive. No obvious experience ... 
Watts and power
I guess you didn't get a new record for Christmas. Ghi, I think you would be surprised what can be built for a $150 in parts when you purchase in volume. 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
Hey people, you know the man child is trolling you? I doubt he even has working generator. Notice it always circles back to selling crap. 
Adding storage to a MacBook Pro
My comment was in response to star that "any" MacBook can be upgraded. That has not been true for several years. 2015 yes, newer ones no. 
Watts and power
Oh George, maybe someone will give you a new record for Christmas. Yours appears to be broken. You have never actually designed an amplifier. That much seems obvious to me. Guessing you don't know much about speaker performance versus damping fact... 
CD Player vs. music streaming
Tidal MQA or Qoboz high res or Amazon HD are superior formats, when the files are available to Redbook CD.Rarely put a CD in any more. Seems little point.  
Adding storage to a MacBook Pro
Recent MacBook Pros and the like are not upgradeable, often even if you have required specialized soldering equip. Size also hardwired into Bios. 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
I so enjoy "chatting" with people who say things blatantly wrong, and when shown they are blatantly wrong, they try to deflect (obviously) from their error as opposed to admitting their mistake. It is not the behaviour of a mature adult.Either way... 
Watts and power
Oh come on George, I don’t know any amplifier vendor that publishes independent data, only reviewer data.Your comment about MOSFETs is ignorant. It’s easy to drive into 2 ohms with complimentary MOSFETs. Purely an architecture thing. I don’t know ... 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
I have tried many things but what you just wrote is based in fantasy not reality. Oh well. Have a good Christmas. 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
The resonance frequency ferries from about 7.65 to over 7.9 Hertz in the course of a day and varies the same way almost everyday but I did some seasonal variation. This is due 2 compression of the ionosphere due the solar winds coupled with where ... 
My stereo receiver is a little too bright. Can a cable help me out?
Perhaps in a drag-race or simple oval, with drag-race being watts into 8 ohms, and simple oval, being THD on a sine wave, then I would agree with you. Put them on a road course (real music), and that "old" Camaro or Corvette is hopelessly outclass... 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
Schumann resonance is not fixed so ....  
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
Before trying to argue a point for which your understanding is poor, you may want some course-work in basic circuits. Let’s start with a simple exercise, an amplifier connected up to a driver with no cross-over. W.R.T. operation, it does not matte...