
Responses from audiozenology

Watts and power
Most tube amps don't have "guts" in the bass due to low damping factor. You may prefer that or you may not and that will be room / speaker dependent. That dip in impedance is a factor of woofer electro-electromechanical properties and sometimes a ... 
Watts and power
Tube-amps sometimes "seem" more powerful as their distortion is typically more pleasant when they clip, but they are still clipping. 
Watts and power
27 amps is 1500 watts into 2 ohms. 60amps is 7200 watts. 60amps would require a bus voltage of 120V at 2ohms, phase-angle aside. I think the number of speakers that drop below 1.5 ohm approaches a handful and even the number that drop much below 2... 
Watts and power
Mainly it comes down to headroom. Many amps can cleanly play short term peaks higher and sometimes much higher than their continuous power ratings .... Except pure Class A which are limited to their rated power.Mainly it is a factor of power suppl... 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
Thyname spout all you like, but actual tests by real experts like Toole and others show that flat response is the right one. The BBC dip is to compensate for typical room effects to get flat room response. 
More questions about dedicated lines
Miller,You are not the only one who has implemented things. Are you even reading the posts? 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
Flat response is a goal unless you like colored music. 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
Those book smart guys are why audio is better today then it has ever been. Those book smart guys (that also often play instruments) do blind tests to show that people do like a flat response.The people who refuse to pick up a book ... They keep ma... 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
What up with all these easily spooked golden ears. Easily spotted because anytime anyone suggests that they are biased by their eyes, they get all antsy and rush to their keyboards. It’s like they can’t figure out how to have a different forum acc... 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
And your reasoning for 7awg?  ... any idea the resistance of a voice coil? How about the variation from one speaker to another?  Does length of the run come into play at all?This is hand waving with little to no justification leading others astray. 
New upper trim level Corvette or seven year old used amps?
.... Camping, another thing that has generating stronger and longer lasting memories than my sound system :-)Yes, enjoying life! 
"a stylish and affordable launch into the world of high-performance audio"
:-)generally creepy 
New upper trim level Corvette or seven year old used amps?
I am not a fan of country music, but this thread reminded me of this song: much as I like nice cars, I would give up fancy cars before the boats any day. The cars are much like the stereo. They are some... 
More questions about dedicated lines
The problem with power supply decoupling through multiple lines is that unless you couple the grounds at your system, you are now injecting differential ground noise, which arguably is worse.The concern with amplifiers is not average draw, but pea... 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
When cables are in the wrong direction 🔜 guess what? They sound....wait for it....bright! Hel-loo!