
Responses from audiozenology

Time to buy a class D amp?
Can you read your full last paragraph? I think the wording in your last two sentences contradicts though I know what you mean. I agree this is an issue. I also agree that the audio signal never stops, but decays within bandwidth limits. However ov... 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
The change in resistance of the cable will be minimal from the ones you have described so that punch is not from improved current flow which will be minimal to 0.The brightness/detail (and harshness) was likely an unstable amp with your Nordost th... 
Watts and power
The impedance curve of a speaker takes into account the reactance already and hence the current. Few speakers dip below 2 Ohm. Some do, but they are rare. If your speaker doesn’t dip below 2 ohms than having an amp that doubles in power into 1 ohm... 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
Sorry Geoff are proving yourself a triggered Wiki wannabee again. I even know the exact articles you are referencing wrt to the dual frequencies to create the 7.83hz.   The sub could absolutely transmit, just it's range would be poor. Do you know ... 
Watts and power
Class D and linear amps have the exact same rail voltage limitations. They often have the same linear power supply front ends. Certainly audiophile Class D amps. They also get more oomph out of the same sized capacitor bank for real music.It's tor... 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
It is perfectly capable of transmitting which you just admitted. You just admitted a few hundred feet long antenna can transmit low frequencies .... Awesome you are finally learning !!! 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
You attack people here, I attack the erroneous content in your posts. You have already shown everyone else you have lost the argument. Too late. Ship has sailed. People who attack people in forums and not their post content so because they c... 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
You do get that if a sub can receive ... It can transmit? May not be very efficient but it can. Sorry that simple and we'll known fact is lost on you. Anyone who understand RF is laughing .... And not with you. 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
You have the market on that cornered. Most people are rather perceptive. They can make the leap that you can send and receive with an antenna far smaller than a wavelength.   I wonder what they think of your constant protestations and deflections?   
Time to buy a class D amp?
This is a public forum. I will respond to the content of your posts if I please. That is how public forums work. You didn't start this thread. Lose the attitude.An amplifier with a high damping factor may limit the total error energy in the woofer... 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
Genie is out of the bottle. You have failed to lead people astray yet again. That must get tiring.  Must be awful not admitting, realizing, or whatever the issue is that RF is RF, whether 7.83Hz or 550KHz, and just like you don't need a 500 meter ... 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
And funny enough, someone else was triggered enough to think I was talking about them. I guess they are also insecure about the validity of what they post here?  
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
Hey Clearthink, one person, who is a noted troll on certain topics called me a troll. He did that after I embarrassed him by showing that he does not understand the fundamentals of the technology underlying the product he makes and sells, AND also... 
Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?
I wonder if certain people are trying to fool themselves so they don't have to admit their limitations to themselves, or they are trying to fool others in a desperate attempt to convince others they possess knowledge they don't have?No worries. Mo... 
Time to buy a class D amp?
Servo controlled woofer is much different from a low output impedance amplifier connected to a woofer that will keep moving after the amplifier signal goes to 0. A servo controlled woofer can be designed to smoothly stop a woofer without any ringi...