
Responses from audiozenology

Watts and power
There are two types of people:Those who know how to use Google (and other references), can sift through results using sufficient knowledge to reach accurate conclusions and consult industry friends to cross-reference.Those who insult others, but c... 
Nikko Alpha II Capacitor question
Hey sorry I just saw this.If I was designing a power supply/amplifier from scratch, I would pick the UCC capacitors (make sure right terminal type)  --- lower ESR, lower dissipation factor, higher temp, longer life, higher ripple current rating, s... 
How good can it get, really? - my stereo sounds amazing!
23 / 30   ... again with my apologies. I am reporting posts. 
How good can it get, really? - my stereo sounds amazing!
Again, my apologies to the other members. I have asked the moderators to deal with a member who has made 29 posts in the last 2 weeks, 22 of them replies to my posts in a variety of threads, mainly personal attacks. I am doing what I can. 
How good can it get, really? - my stereo sounds amazing!
Even though your posts is more of your attempt to troll virtually every post I make, at least this time you attempted to make a post related to the content of what I said.I think anyone that understands anything about room treatment and acoustics ... 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
Unfortunately, the use of hyperbole  (and quotes) is lost on some people ...... clearthink1,030 posts12-31-2019 10:55aYou do not understand audiozenology hear he is in his own words: I am not "average", I am Superhuman!! My words have far more va... 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"? who refuse to learn from the past are destined to repeat the mistakes of the... 
DIY speaker isolation base for a wood floor
You are right, you don't need a muse, you need an inner voice. You seem to be missing one. Sure, when I want to learn about "negative-K" isolation basics, of course I am going to go to 6-moons, the well accepted authority on vibration isolation ..... 
DIY speaker isolation base for a wood floor
The video "lost" me, as in lost any respect I had when they started talking about seismic coupling into the speaker impacting micro-detail. The spectrum of background vibrations is predominantly <10Hz, pretty much nothing >100Hz for starters... 
DIY speaker isolation base for a wood floor
The person with no skin in this game is feeling no angst. The one with angst is the one desperately trying to appear relevant while the rest of us are going "Geoff who?".I mean why else would someone describe a somewhat simple but effective concep... 
DIY speaker isolation base for a wood floor
Nano-K did not start out in audio, that was just a side market. The primary market for Minus-K (Nano-K) is scientific / industrial.You can be as bold as you want but I am going to say the guy who runs Minus-K with his 10's of patents around shock ... 
Modem performance and modem selection.
The output of your cable modem is likely ethernet, so isolated at some level. The power supply would also likely be an isolated 2 prong class-2 supply. Not perfect, but pretty good.Modem - Router - Some audio equipment. To Miller’s point, all buff... 
Recommendation for an audiophile speaker cord that is not "bright"?
I watched the video ... the one where he does not tin the stranded copper wire. Tinning the stranded copper wire is a bad idea. It will loosen. Even if you tighten it again, it will loosen. The solder flows very slowly under pressure, even with a ... 
Watts and power
EPDR does not impact Class-D amplifiers. I do not understand why you will not communicate what you used as a current probe to measure 80 amps peaks?Generally I would expect an amplifier that costs literally 100 times more (per channel) than anothe... 
Watts and power
Layman’s terms:It all comes down to "rated" power of your amplifier across the impedance of your speakers, with high emphasis over the bottom KHz or so. Note I said across impedance, and not just at the lowest impedance as is often brought up. Whi...