
Responses from audiozenology

Is grounding with RCA is safe?
skipskip,  I am with almarg on this one, I don't see evidence the OP is defeating the safety AC cord ground.In the US/Canada, unless the latest NEC/CEC has changed, it is acceptable to connect an isolated DC ground to chassis/safety ground, and te... 
PWB Electronics
"Recognising that the ‘good old’ phono socket is inevitably in decline, in a world of HDMI and USB communications, I was utterly thrilled when I learnt that PWB were experimenting with USB devices, which might do for... 
DIY speaker isolation base for a wood floor
I am not confused, but someone reading a post mentioning lead and sorbothane in the same sentence like they are directly related may be. I don’t need to hide behind hand-waving explanations and insults on topics I engage in.Lead can be a very effe... 
DIY speaker isolation base for a wood floor
That someone would compare Lead to Sorbathane, i.e. a soft metal to a visco-elastic polymer makes me really question what message they are trying to communicate. Lead would be more an analog to granite, SONEX an analog to a GIK acoustic panel. To ... 
Floor protection from spikes
No worries. The EBAY listing provides little useful information and you were not given direction here. Perhaps you can contact the vendor and change the order to 30 hardness. Even cutting a single 70 hardness puck into 4 pieces will be quite stiff. 
Would this room treatment be worthwhile?
Front wall between the speakers one would be more inclined to use diffusion as opposed to absorption, but given your limitations, anything will be better than nothing. A blanket as suggested is going to work over too limited a frequency range. Hea... 
Floor protection from spikes
Which ones did you order munchoba?If you got the 70 hardness rated ones, then they are pretty useless for your application. Assuming you used 3 or 4 per speaker, they are going to do just about nothing under 100Hz. They are way too stiff for the w... 
How can we hear the difference in cables in a bad room?
Erik, +1.It is no different from other sensory fields. You can read a book just fine under the imperceptibly flickering light, as your eye works hard to position for the text you want to read, while the flickering causes it to overshoot and unders... 
DIY speaker isolation base for a wood floor
From Sorbothane.comSorbothane® combines shock absorption, good memory, vibration isolation and vibration damping characteristics. Sorbothane® can absorb over 50 percent of vibration energy over most of its temperature operating range at frequencie... 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
Given the lack of any consensus on best, one I think can assume there is no best, but perhaps best for a given situation, or best to suit a preference whatever that may be.Unfairlane, can you explain your reasoning for why only single core would n... 
DIY speaker isolation base for a wood floor
It's okay Geoff. I am going to guess most people know the difference between a shock absorber and a spring in a car even if you don't. Here, maybe this link will help you: 
DIY speaker isolation base for a wood floor
A vehicle suspension consists of a spring element AND a shock absorber. The shock absorber portion is not a spring. It moves typically fluid between sections through small channels converting motion to heat. A little research may be in order for you. 
DIY speaker isolation base for a wood floor
Springs and shock absorbers are completely different beasts. If you have just the spring and not the absorber you can get oscillation at the resonant frequency.Are there any tests w.r.t. frequency response, distortion, impulse response of a speake... 
Stereophile mistakenly writes Mytek Review as dCS
+1 williamdc34 posts10-07-2019 11:23amWhen I read that review, I thought of the expression "damning with faint praise". Which, given a lot of audio reviews, was kind of refreshing. 
Stereophile mistakenly writes Mytek Review as dCS
Presented, without comment:Listening Like many hi-fi reviewers, at Stereophile and elsewhere, I’m convinced that over time sonic differences can become apparent that are not audible, or not easily audible, in direct, rapid, A/B comparisons. Such d...