
Responses from audiokinesis

Why do you guys pursue a flat frequency response when you buy a subwoofer?
Millercarbon to tomic601: " So you choose liar. " Miller, just for the record, I’m not comfortable with what you did there. In a now-deleted post you called for tomic to do such-and-such or else he was (in your words) a liar, and when he didn’t, y... 
Why do you guys pursue a flat frequency response when you buy a subwoofer?
" Duke - I will resend you the hi-rez photo at your AK business email."  Got it - THANK YOU!  Very interesting pattern of waves on the lake!!  How were the patterns moving?  Duke 
Why do you guys pursue a flat frequency response when you buy a subwoofer?
Deep_333 wrote, " Duke, Can you name the popular opinions among sub manufacturers on how they think it should be addressed? Of course, more subs a.k.a an array of 4, 8 or 16 is great for business. But, are there other opinions out there?" Setting ... 
Why do you guys pursue a flat frequency response when you buy a subwoofer?
Deep_333 wrote:  "Why do you guys pursue a flat response when you buy a subwoofer?... The minute you put that flat sub in your room and take some measurements, it is anything but flat (it's a rollercoaster with all kinds of peaks/nulls etc, EQ... 
Is room treatment a science?
The sciences of acoustics and psychoacoustics are applicable to room treatments. I agree with @erik_squires ’ recommendation of Floyd Toole, in particular his book "Sound Reproduction: The Acoustics and Psychoacoustics of Loudspeakers and Rooms". ... 
Component Advice for Small Room with Lively Surfaces
Vanquish wrote: "This makes a lot of sense Duke and I am wondering if there are any particular dipoles and horns that you would recommend?"  In my opinion SoundLab fullrange electrostats do an excellent job in a wide range of rooms, assuming they... 
Component Advice for Small Room with Lively Surfaces
In my opinion working "with the room" rather than "against the room" matters a great deal... especially in small, lively room. Two things come to mind: First, we want the reverberant sound to have essentially the same spectral balance as the direc... 
Soundstage Width and Depth
@geoffkait wrote: " The best and easiest way look at soundstage imho is that the better the output signal the larger the 3 dimensional sphere of the recording venue will be presented. " I’ll concede that what you propose is the "easiest" way to lo... 
Soundstage Width and Depth
Heaudio123, I have not delved into ambiophonics to the point of understanding it, but at least for a while Ralph Glasgal was using SoundLab speakers. I am under the impression that with ambiophonics the listener’s position is critical, and I’m mor... 
Soundstage Width and Depth
Heaudio123 wrote: "The source "appearing" outside the speakers is "encoded" in the music with either mixing methods or microphone techniques, but and it is a big but, how that appears on playback is highly dependent on speaker, listening position,... 
Soundstage Width and Depth
Soundstage width which extends to the outside of the speakers can be encoded on the recording, but it can also be the result of strong early sidewall reflections. The Precedence Effect is not completely effective at suppressing directional cues fr... 
Religious music for less than devout
"A Christmas Song" - Jethro Tull "Amazing Grace" - The Blind Boys of Alabama "Another Christmas Song" - yup, Jethro Tull again "Hymn" - Barclay James Harvest 
Two medium size woofers Vs One big size woofer
"Acceleration factor" is the ratio of force or motor strength (Bl) divided by moving mass (Mms). It ignores cone area, and is imo therefore misleading. Let me illustrate why: Suppose we are comparing a single 10-inch woofer against four 10-inch wo... 
@audioquest4life wrote:  " I ordered the Classic Audio Loudspeakers T1.5 reference"  Congratulations!  AWESOME speaker!!  Audioquest4life: "I love that I can turn the volume way up on the subs when playing Back in the Saddle by Aerosmith, and j... 
More Power or use subwoofer to boost bass for music
Xcool asked, " Do you have any suggestion on reducing vibration to the wall behind and to the side of my subwoofer? Would acoustic panel or bass trap help? " To the extent that the vibrations in the walls are structure-borne, the SVS SoundPath Iso...