
Responses from audiokinesis

Speaker placement and dB differences
Time gating is a technique for measuring the speaker's output without including any room reflections.  A specialized measurement system is required.  The microphone is switched on for just long enough to capture the direct sound from the speaker a... 
Speaker placement and dB differences
Last_lemming, you might try switching your speakers, left speaker to where the right one is, and vice-versa.  Assuming there are no issues upstream of the speakers (like a weak tube in one channel), this will help narrow down what is a speaker iss... 
Speaker placement and dB differences
Unless you are using time-gated curves, windowed to avoid room reflections, what you are picking up is speakers + room.   In that case, unless your room is acoustically symmetrical across the spectrum (which never happens), some measured differenc... 
Getting the most out of my Definitive Tech bp2000's
Jesse12 wrote: " I do notice a significant incease in sound and clarity the further I pull it away from the wall." Glad to hear it helped a bit!   (I initially mis-read that as "I do not notice..." . Must work on my reading comprehension skills!)Duke 
Getting the most out of my Definitive Tech bp2000's
I have no experience specifically with Definitive Technology speakers but I have designed and manufactured bipolar loudspeakers. Set up correctly, bipolars can convey rich timbre and do a good job of disappearing as the apparent sound source. They... 
How to accurately gauge speaker sensitivity to match with tube amp?
Fritz wrote: " Hi David- Here’s the impedance and phase curves of the series crossover Carbon 7 SE Mk2 loudspeakers. " In case anyone doesn’t understand the implications of what they ... 
How to accurately gauge speaker sensitivity to match with tube amp?
" A high damping factor will provide very good control of the bass drivers." Hmmmm. For a quick summation of my thoughts, skip to the last two paragraphs. Apologies for getting fairly nerdy in between here and there. In practice, any series resist... 
Articles You Feel Should be Shared
Excellent article on room treatment by a multi-award-winning studio designer:    Some very advanced concepts about loudspeaker design and relevant psychoacoustics: 
Are these Speakers the BEST on Planet Earth ?...
@twoleftears wrote: " I’d take these... over the Kii: " The Dutch & Dutch 8c uses a proper waveguide, which looks to me like it’s based on Earl Geddes’ Oblate Spheroid math, but evolved to meet the specific requireme... 
Should people who can't solder, build or test their speakers be considered audiophiles?
I don’t need to be a plumber to use the toilet. But there are times when amateur plumbing skills sure come in handy. On a more serious note, I'm not a fan of thought systems which increase division between people.  I'm in favor of drawing bigger a... 
Will this amp trick work for increasing bass performance?
Robert1976 wrote: " Anybody an idea what @millercarbon meant by a “$3k DBA”. Any links to a product like this?" Millercarbon may have been referring to a subwoofer system I make which uses four small subs and costs a little over three grand. Brief... 
Recommendations for electronic crossover.
@georgehifi wrote: "... bridging amps makes what could be a good amp, lean towards becoming a PA amp."  This has been my experience as well, with some pretty nice amps (Accuphase). The difference was immediately obvious.  Duke 
Full Range speakers for a living space
Twoleftears wrote: " Enveloping soundstage vs. speakers close to wall behind them=pretty much mutually exclusive." "Pretty much" yes, but perhaps not quite entirely, "mutually exclusive". So I agree with you.Acoustician David Griesinger was speaki... 
Replacing everything - Speaker Recommendation Request - Under $3,000. With music....
"Only weird issue: my desk faces the speakers. I have 2 large PC monitors on the desk. Because of the placement, I can only really hear the speaker on the right (because there's a monitor that blocks the left speaker). Wondering if there's ... 
Recommended Speaker Design for Corner / Near-Wall Placement?
Hi Hedwigstheme, I saw that and appreciate the mention. The model you linked to isn’t idea for up-against-the wall or in-the-corner in my opinion, as it has a rear-firing tweeter which likes a bit of breathing room. The model you are thinking of w...