
Responses from audiokinesis

Recommended Speaker Design for Corner / Near-Wall Placement?
Walls and corners reinforce the lower end of the spectrum, which may or may not be beneficial, depending on the specifics of the speaker design. Corner placement means that there is a side wall very near by, and reflections off that nearby side wa... 
Speaker popularity
The absolute phase of recordings is not consistent. Most are in "normal" polarity but quite a few are in reverse polarity, perhaps because one of the preamps or processors in the studio inverted phase. Some preamps have a polarity reversal switch ... 
Phase inversion, active speakers and a tortured soul
I have used an Atma-Sphere MP-3 preamp to drive active ATC speakers. Duke  dealer 
I can prove your room is bad
Here’s an interesting perspective from acoustician Matt Poes, who does room design and installs acoustic treatments for home audio and professional studios and venues: "A speaker that has controlled dispersion does basically the same thing you’d e... 
Damping Factor - Interesting article
@david_ten wrote: "1. Regarding: My understanding is that low damping factor generally calls for high amounts of global negative feedback, which in turn can obscure low-level detail. "Is this more of a solid state amp issue?" In practice probably... 
Damping Factor - Interesting article
@david_ten asked: " Reaching out to those that know this stuff: does damping factor play a role with (influencing) perceived scale (image size)? If so, how? Thanks. "  Not directly, to the best of my knowledge, but imo it can indirectly.  My un... 
Listeners who are using Dynamic Subwoofer(s) with Magnepan Speakers
" Is there anyone out there who is pairing Magnepan speakers with a dynamic subwoofer or subwoofers with good or otherwise results. I’ve heard that timing issues can occur with that combination." My understanding, based on fairly extensive experie... 
Camp designations
How does adding a second subwoofer improve your systems SQ?
@mike_in_nc wrote: " I thought Erik’s linked essay was useful except for that tack" Agreed. Erik contributes a great deal of highly useful information and well thought-out ideas.  When I'm skimming a thread, I'll stop and read each of his posts.  ... 
How does adding a second subwoofer improve your systems SQ?
So some of you may be wondering which actually makes the biggest improvement, adding bass traps or adding more subs. Since bass trap advocate Erik Squires is playing the "cultist" card to discredit multi-sub advocates, I’m gonna play one of my car... 
How does adding a second subwoofer improve your systems SQ?
" I won't be editorialized by you."  I suppose we're both free to call it like we see it.  Duke 
How does adding a second subwoofer improve your systems SQ?
@erik_squires , you already posted a link to your blog page where you wrote: " I am no longer a fan of this idea [distributed bass array/muliple subs] due to the fan boys and how cultish they have become. " And now you post: "... I often challenge... 
I can prove your room is bad
" This method does not demonstrate a need for you to improve the room. " Looking at Ralph’s observation that his speakers sound better at the listening chair through an alternative lens: Ralph’s Classic Audio T-3 horn loudspeakers generate a spect... 
What should you hear?
mvrooman1526 wrote: " What I find however is that the imaging, sound stage is very dependent on the recording. " This is as it should be. The more difference you hear from one recording to the next, the more you are hearing the RECORDING instead o... 
I can prove your room is bad
@erik_squires asked: " Lets say there is a speaker with good forward and poor off-axis response. How do you suggest an audiophile discover this with no tools but their ears?" Excellent question! First, make your best estimate of what frequency reg...