
Responses from audiokinesis

Is my room size going to be a problem for speakers?
" It's only 10 feet by 10 feet "   In a room that size, one problem is that the reflections path lengths are very short.  In general the earlier a reflection arrives, the more likely it is to be detrimental to timbre or clarity or both.   IF you h... 
More Power or use subwoofer to boost bass for music
Xcool wrote: "Later that evening the building manager sent out an email to all residents that he received a complaint from some residents that they hear very loud bass music coming through their wall..." My guess is that the heavy passive radiator... 
More Power or use subwoofer to boost bass for music
@erik_squires wrote: "Maybe there’s a different way for swarm fan boys to behave more respectfully towards others and try to answer the OP’s question without asking him to triple the number of speakers in his home??" "Swarm fan boys" are not perfe... 
More Power or use subwoofer to boost bass for music
Xcool wrote:   " Actually, overall it didn't sound that great in the Magnolia show room.  I thought the speakers were very bright, but it did leave an impression of good bass.  I vaguely remember it was driven by a Rotel Integrated. "  My unders... 
More Power or use subwoofer to boost bass for music
Posted by Erik Squires in this thread: " Jesus, the 4 sub cult is strong here. " " The cult: Your problem is you have 1/3 the number of speakers you need!! You must add 4 more, bring it up to six!!! " " What I have a problem with is the cult that ... 
What 4 subwoofers to buy?
I agree with the suggestions of Rhythmik... excellent subs in my limited experience.  Duke 
What 4 subwoofers to buy?
@williewonka wrote: " IMO - the more "sources" the less detailed the bass gets and it I do not believe it equates to FASTER BASS.either "I always found the fewer drives the better - when it comes to HiFi. "I think we’ll have to agree to disagree o... 
What 4 subwoofers to buy?
Elate wrote: "I have been reading alot lately about the DBA thing, and without even trying it, I am positive that it will be the best thing for me." You must be pretty good at wrapping your head around new ideas, because the idea that four subs sp... 
More Power or use subwoofer to boost bass for music
@jl35 wrote: "when using 2 subs with floor standers, do they need to be identical or can they be close models..."   They do not need to be the same.  Duke 
More Power or use subwoofer to boost bass for music
@erik_squires wrote: "The swarm was an interesting idea which is promoted by fetishists whose motives and honesty I question... Please mark me down as some one who no longer believes those people are well meaning. I’ll no longer bother arguing wit... 
Jeff Bagby passes away due to Covid
Farewell Jeff.  Thank you for contributing so much to our little corner of this world.   
To horn or not to horn
Needlebrush wrote: "I’m curious if there are any who are first time horn speaker owners after having owned other types of speakers for many years, and are you glad you switched?" I don’t fall into that category. My (condensed) back-story is, I was... 
Which is better for a DBA (Swarm); powered subs or unpowered?
@m-db asked: "Wasn’t Dr. Floyd Toole adamant regarding cables lack of any measurable difference hence no sonic effect in the audio chain?" I vaguely recall something like that. (My own experience with cables, which includes conducting a blind list... 
Which is better for a DBA (Swarm); powered subs or unpowered?
@cleeds wrote: "The price for that smooth, even, neutral bass is that your bass will be monophonic." This is a misconception probably arising from the fact that the "regular" configuration for my price-conscious Swarm system only uses a single cha... 
Which is better for a DBA (Swarm); powered subs or unpowered?
Ieales wrote: " DBA proponents are not charlatans, but neither are they correct as the the ability it to produce time coherent bass. " Arrival time coherence in the bass region is not critical, but decay time coherence in the bass region is. The e...