
Responses from audiokinesis

Super tweeter for FullRange Driver
Alexberger wrote: " Back of ceiling firing tweeters sound horrible!!! It completely destroys focus and sound-stage." I disagree. Quite the contrary in fact when done right, and I can go into detail if you’d like. The reason for keeping the supertw... 
Super tweeter for FullRange Driver
Your plan makes a lot of sense to me, and imo the T90A is a good choice. My first commercial effort used a fullrange driver augmented by a rear-firing T90A. In a case like this, where you don’t have the benefit of measurements, you find the capaci... 
You could work for any manufacturer, past or present...
Irving Fried and Earl Geddes. I worked with the latter for a little while. Might be fun to do a controlled-pattern constant-directivity speaker system with a transmission-line woofer and a first-order series crossover. Duke 
Rush and Quantum Physics
" I am from Toronto....I grew up in Willowdale..."  You don’t by any chance drive a gleaming alloy air-car, do you?  
Speakers that can reveal orchestral instruments' positions
Mozartfan wrote: "Tyler, now defunct..." Tyler Acoustics is still in business. I just exchanged e-mails with Ty Lashbrook less than five minutes ago. Tyler Acoustics is not only very much still in business, they are among the few high-end home aud... 
Classic Audio T1 and T3 field coil loudspeakers
"Does the Hartsfield project a bigger image/soundscape due to its width?" Do you mean, because corner placement would put the Hartsfields further apart? Soundstage width is related to setup geometry. The T-3’s would not be in the corners so if the... 
Speaker sensitivity, impedance, and calculating amp power
Thank you very much, Tvad. Hilde45, at the moment the best place to see my home audio designs is actually the James Romeyn Music and Audio website. My own website is under revision. But my feelings would not be hurt if you ended up with something ... 
Speaker sensitivity, impedance, and calculating amp power
Hilde45 quoting the great Jim Salk: " While the RMS meter registered 5 - 8 watts, the peak-reading meters hit peaks of 200 - 250 watts during instantaneous transients (drum hits and the like). "  This is very interesting information. The implicati... 
Importance of phase and timing optimization when incorporating sub woofers ?
Mijostyn wrote: " Yes Duke but FR, Phase and Time interact." Agreed! Of course they do. And I bet that when you get the phase and time right, the frequency response is also right.  Duke 
Importance of phase and timing optimization when incorporating sub woofers ?
At low frequencies, speakers + room = a "minimum phase" system. In English, this means that the frequency response tracks the time-domain response.  So if you have an in-room bass peak in the subwoofer region, you will also have modal ringing at t... 
Need a high end, quite, phase proper, passive X over!
Crossover design is the heart and soul of loudspeaker design. (Even with a single fullrange driver, the designer has to make sure the output from the various parts of the cone sums properly.) Getting the right value crossover components in the rig... 
Guest suddenly takes it upon herself to move my speakers
@stereo5 wrote: "You gentlemen are very good at blowing this off as nothing. I would love to see your reaction if it happened to one of you. I bet everyone of you who said to “get over it” would not be able to." I had it happen in the final half-h... 
Guest suddenly takes it upon herself to move my speakers
You now have the perfect excuse to invite her back for a speaker-position-tweaking session!  And her ears may be better at it than yours, because she is probably completely free of our preconceived notions!Audiophile etiquette can be picked up but... 
The “They are here” vs “You are there” sound topic
Kenjit wrote: "you say that [tonality is your priority] but your focus is and always has been off axis response. That is your holy grail." My interest in getting the off-axis response right arose from its beneficial effects on timbre. Subsequently... 
The “They are here” vs “You are there” sound topic
Maghister wrote: " Thanks for your very interesting post...You made me understand in a better way my intuitive use of absorbing and diffusive ratio in my small room...I use reflectors to diffuse the sound in a way that gives me the first venues cu...