
Responses from audiokinesis

What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
" This is a speaker forum and i signed up to discuss speakers not peoples behavior or character. " You have attacked the character of everyone on this forum in one way or another. You have said or insinuated that all audiophiles except for you are... 
What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
" I suggest you stick to the topic of discussion rather than try to discredit me using an ad hominem accusation of narcissism." When you expressed contempt towards Siegfried Linkwitz, your behavior became "the topic of discussion."    And once aga... 
What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
" But the claim was that Linkwitz was a brilliant speaker designer. You would think his speakers would be well known and sought after. That just isnt the case. What makes him so brilliant if few audiophiles care about his speakers? " The standard ... 
What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
Kenjit wrote: "[Siegfried Linkwitz] obviously had a few designs that were available as DIY projects but i dont know of any that stereophile reviewed." Liinkwitz had several commercial designs which were manufactured by a company called Audio Artis... 
How do you share the sweet spot?
This will be somewhat counter-intuitive, but with some horn speakers the sweet spot width can quite wide. First a bit of background: The ear localizes sound by two mechanisms: Arrival time and intensity. With most system setups, as you move off to... 
If Audiophiles care about sound, then why so few threads on acoustics
"... why so few threads on acoustics?" Room acoustics can be a fairly complex subject... and imo if we’re talking about home audio, the speaker’s radiation characteristics and setup also come into play - in other words, it’s not just about the roo... 
What Do You Think . . . and How Does It Work?
" NOBODY has done any comparisons to check if a $2 PVC pipe beats a $50k high end Wilson." Nobody is claiming that either. But somebody is committing a straw man argument fallacy.Duke 
Subwoofer Question
Kingharold asked, "would four horns in the four corners achieve enough improvement to be worthwhile?" Todd Welti of Harmon International investigated symmetrical subwoofer placements using simulations, and four subs with one in each corner was one... 
In the middle of a pandemic, Stereophile reviews ~ $30K equipment
@douglas_schroeder wrote: " Perhaps, as happened to me, a review of a pricey component started well before Covid-19 scare, and wound to conclusion now. Sometimes it takes months for a product to come to the reviewer! " That (or something similar) ... 
Subwoofer Question
Daveyf1 wrote: " The more subs in the room, IME the easier it is to overload the room....and this really needs to be taken into consideration. " If we’re talking about a setup where the user is careless with the level control for the sub(s), then ... 
Best bookshelf loudspeakers under 10,000 for the pair
Jcwaudio wrote: " I am downsize my system from Martin Logan electrostats and quad 2905 And would like a bookshelf that would have some of the same attributes of the quads. " Quads are a very tough act to follow. Aside from their articulation and f... 
Looking for an acoustic engineer or specialist
First of all, kudos to you ebenlees, for setting out to really do it right!  The difference between what a professional acoustician can do and what an enthusiastic amateur acoustician can do is huge.  I fall into the latter category and after expe... 
Why do you guys pursue a flat frequency response when you buy a subwoofer?
Deep_333 wrote: "Many hardcore audiophiles i know stick with 2 channel music systems, a.k.a, their high end turntables, DACs, integrated amps/monoblocks, etc with no bass management. These guys try subs and abandon them because they can’t get it t... 
Is room treatment a science?
Millercarbon wrote, "That Geddes book is a gold mine! If only I had known - and it had come out a dozen years earlier!" Yes it is a gold mine, under-appreciated probably because it has "Home Theater" in the title. I’ve been in Earl’s home theater ... 
Why do you guys pursue a flat frequency response when you buy a subwoofer?
Deep_333 wrote: " Now, when subs are being integrated with these speakers, the sub appears to be an afterthought. An end user like myself who’s not a speaker designer or professional audio engineer, is somehow being asked by sub manufacturers to m...