
Responses from audiokinesis

Pre-amp recommendation: JC-1/Talon Raven C/ARC CD2
In your post you state that you're limiting your choices to what's available locally, and apparently you've already listed those choices. Since I don't have experience combining any of those preamps with the JC-1s, I don't have any comments about ... 
Do Bridged Accuphase Amps Sound Better?
I once took two Accuphase 100-watt per channel stereo amps in trade (lucky me!). The owner used to run them in bridged mono mode for something like 400 watts per channel, as I recall. Anyway, I definitely thought they sounded better in unbridged m... 
Small speakers for retail store
Joncourage,My apologies in advance for what may look like a thread hijack attempt, but that's not my intention. I have a stalker who sends me threatening e-mails when he decides that I'm being too commercial. He has e-mailed me three times about m... 
Small speakers for retail store
Just for the record, I happen to be a Gallo dealer - so I appreciate the thumbs up they're getting here. However, I still think that for this particular application a pair of omni-type speakers makes more sense. It occurs to me that you might even... 
Daedalus DA-1: How Good Are They?
Lou,Thanks for your replies to my questions. Best of luck with your venture!Duke 
Small speakers for retail store
I would suggest omnidirectional speakers, as what you want is good tonal balance throughout the room with little consideration for imaging. Mirage comes to mind.The problem with conventional speakers listened to well off-axis or from far away is t... 
What so special about electro-static speaker
NGjockey and Aktchi,My comments assumed large fullrange SoundLabs or possibly Quad 989 (or whatever its successor is). These big megastats have the diaphragm area to do deep bass.I have four customers who claim to have measured their full-sized So... 
speakers efficiency
Bignerd, I don't really have any experience in pro-sound applications; I just have played around some (maybe too much) with prosound drivers. I have no specific knowledge of the effect of a crowd on room acoustics. I'd guess a crowd of people woul... 
What so special about electro-static speaker
Andy2,Kal is right - Maggies aren't electrostats and a good electrostat will outperform the Maggies in some areas (including retrieval of low-level detail). But chances are neither will image as precisely as a good conventional speaker. I'm a deal... 
speakers efficiency
Myraj points out that I wasn't clear in something I said.Let me try re-writing the second to last paragraph from my post above:"Now make sure that the manufacturer is really claiming 89 dB/1 watt EFFICIENCY. If it's a 4-ohm speaker, the manufactur... 
Is my ceiling too low?
Shouldn't be a problem, but an effective solution would be to use speakers that have limited vertical dispersion. Tyler Acoustics' new "Pro Dyamics" series comes to mind - very intelligent configuration in my opinion. If I was designing a speaker ... 
speakers efficiency
Assuming a listening distance of about 10 feet in a semi-reverberant room, a pair of 89 dB/1 watt efficient speakers will probably produce about 87 dB at the listening position with a 1 watt input. I can go through the math behind that figure if a... 
OTL or SET? Differences?
Hi Otto,If I understand correctly, you're driving the Thiel 3.6's with your S-30. The Thiel's impedance is way below what the S-30 is comfortable with. Apparently you tried the Silverline Sonata also but it didn't have enough bass to do justice to... 
OTL or SET? Differences?
I own and sell both OTLs and SETs, and would say that they have many of the same qualities. At the risk of overgeneralizing, I'd say that OTLs tend to be a bit more lively and dynamic and SETs tend to be a bit sweeter and warmer (I can comment som... 
help me spend money-which high end speakers?
"Help me spend money..."! Geeze, that's like blood in the water to a dealer like me...Seriously, of the speakers on your list I'd recommend the Rockports. And if you don't have a Rockport dealer, I'd recommend Ultimate Audio-Video, in the Chicago ...