
Responses from audiokinesis

speaker efficiencey?? Starting point...? 92db??
Dziogn,Sorry didn't realize I was making things more confusing. "Anechoic" means "without echo", and in this context refers to measuring only the direct sound coming straight from the speaker to the microphone, without any reflected sound reaching... 
Proper approach to Hi End?
Good points Chadnliz. Ebonyvette, what you do with the room depends somewhat on what kind of speakers you want; and what kind of speakers will work well depends somewhat on what you can do with the room. So I don't think either decision can be mad... 
speaker efficiencey?? Starting point...? 92db??
Matrix wrote:"But the 92 db absolutly has something to do with your channel levels, cause if they were 89 db vs. 92 db that means they would take 100 watts more of power to reach the same white noise level at 75 db that your 92db speakers do not t... 
speaker efficiencey?? Starting point...? 92db??
A speaker's efficiency rating is customarily the average midrange sound pressure level produced by a 1 watt input measured at 1 meter on the tweeter axis under anechoic conditions. I say "customarily" because what's actually being measured and cla... 
question about room
I presume you have monopole rather than dipole or bipole speakers. I think there are two possible issues: A strong, distinct early reflection off the glass behind the speakers, and slap-echo back and forth between the glass and the opposite wall. ... 
Decent audio in terrible room?
Hmmm... I thought I posted a reply earlier but don't see it now. Well, for close-range low volume listening with some boundary reinforcement, you might look at single-driver speakers and low power tube amps. Or possibly coaxial speakers. Duke 
do planar or electrostatic speakers inherently
Itigap,Yessss! When I give a SoundLab demo, I like to show off just how good they sound way down at very low volume levels. I think the bass holds so much better than with other speakers at low volume level well because a woofer's suspension syste... 
Has anyone tried the DeHavilland GM70 monoblocks
Hi Seadogs1,I just got off the phone with George Kielczynski of deHavilland and he told me that he's heard the GM70 on the SoundLab M-1s twice now. I think one of his customers has M-1s. He said that it works very well at "normal" volume levels. I... 
quad vs. quad ESL
Whart,I owned three pairs of 57's and a pair of Crosby-modded 63's with Gradient subs. Your descriptions are right on the money.Duke 
single driver with bass...????
The parameters on the Jordan fullrange drivers imply pretty good bass, though you pay for it in efficiency.If you want good bass with high efficiency in a single-driver speaker, I suggest you look at Supravox and PHY, and be prepared to pay a lot ... 
Request to hear Zu speakers
Trelja,I agree wholeheartedly with your impressions of Adam and Sean and the crew of Zu. I really wish I had the unreservedly enthusiastic impression of their speakers that so many do, as I'd very much enjoy being a dealer for those guys. You migh... 
Decision between Zu Definition OR VS DB99
Hi Macrojack,What I like most about the Druids and Definitions is that they don't sound like speakers. Their presentation is definitely free from something that most speakers are doing wrong, and as mentioned above I think it has to do with radiat... 
Decision between Zu Definition OR VS DB99
I'm a dealer, but sell neither Zu nor Von Schweikert speakers. Not even sure I can spell the latter.I'm also a longtime amateur speaker builder and shorttime speaker manufacturer. I have some experience with fullrange drivers. In nearly every case... 
do planar or electrostatic speakers inherently
I don't know about sounding "fuller", but...Full-range electrostats tend to maintain the same tonal balance across a wide range of volume levels including very low levels, and usually have excellent detail and articulation so that you can still he... 
Higher power=better sound at low volume?
Several factors come into play, both on the amplifier side and the speaker side.The amplifier's distortion envelope is very important. Large amounts of second harmonic distortion are inaudible, but very small amounts of high order distortion can b...