
Responses from audiokinesis

How to shop for audio
I think the Eidolons are lovely, lovely loudspeakers. You might start out with your Avalon dealer. Avalon is a pretty big-name line, and chances are an Avalon dealership will have made darn sure they have suitable amplifiers to drive them with. I ... 
Whats more important? Speaker or the Amp
This first: Know yourself.If you know what you really want (from life or from your sound system), you will be better equipped to make intelligent choices about the best way to accomplish it. And unless you are infallible, this whole process will s... 
Front vs. Rear Port
JohnK, thanks for sharing your experiences. I built a large Snell Acoustics Type A-inspired system with downfiring woofer and port nearly twenty years ago, but I only used it in one room, which had a hardwood floor. Raduray, there's more to a spea... 
A mistake spending too much on amplification?
The behavior of either a piece of electronics or of a loudspeaker can be described in terms of its "transfer function". The transfer function is the sum total of everything the device does to the signal as it passes the signal on.A purely electric... 
Front vs. Rear Port
Aktchi, I showed two speakers of my own design at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest in Denver a few weeks ago, using "AudioKinesis" as my brand name. I don't sell through a dealer network - just peddle 'em myself. Don't want to hi-jack Raduray's threa... 
Front vs. Rear Port
I went from front to rear port in one of my designs.It's not at all uncommon for some midrange energy to emerge from the port. If the woofer is active up to frequencies where the port is 1/4 wavelength long, you stand a good chance of getting midr... 
Do these speakers exist?
Paul wrote:"Roy is such a great guy to deal with, such an asset to the industry, and has taken so much time to answer questions, I'd honestly feel a bit guilty about buying them used."Wow. Paul, I take my hat off to you, that you would want to sup... 
Do these speakers exist?
Hmmmmm... in my opinion, it makes more sense to choose speakers first and then get the amplifier to drive them. You may not be able to find a speaker that meets all your requirements including amplifier compatibility, but I'm pretty sure you can f... 
Paradigm Ref Studio 80's - Minimum Tube Power?
Well aside from the speaker's efficiency, other factors include how loud you like to listen, how large and how well damped your listening room is, how far back you sit, and even what type of music you listen to.For instance, you'll clip on solo pi... 
Amp recommendations for Maggie 3.6?
I'm not a Maggie dealer, but I've owned 3.6's. I sell JC-1s and Wolcotts and Atma-Spheres.I understand what Mrtennis is saying about solid state amps. To my ears the JC-1 is smooth and grain-free in the top end, which is one of the reasons I like ... 
Has your gear ever hurt you???
Plato and others with heavy speakers,You might find a dolly to be a very worthwhile investment. I bought one and padded it with round foam pipe insulation wrapped with duct tape, and many layers of duct tape on the flat bottom part that goes under... 
set vs otl, which is the most musical
Amfibius, the papers by Geddes and Lee I mentioned were presented at the 115th convention of the Audio Engineering Society, in October 2003. You can order them from the Society. They are entitled "Auditory Perception of Nonlinear Distortion - Theo... 
set vs otl, which is the most musical
I'd like to comment on something said back on July 3rd:"Ten percent distortion can't be taken seriously as an audiophile product as it's a profound sonic coloration."Well you would think so, but that's not necessaril... 
What pre/power amp for jm lab Mezzo's
I'm not a JM Labs owner or dealer, but based on the dozen or so times I've sat down and listened to JM Labs speakers in my opinion they sound best with tube amps. If you're determined to stay with solid state, I'd suggest Levinson over Krell, and ... 
How important is power response?
I personally believe the power response is far more important than the on-axis response. The measured on-axis response only happens at a single point in space. The farther back your listening location, the more and more the power response dominate...