
Responses from audiokinesis

Do they make Speakers For Rap/Rock
Tacmc5,Do you have corners? If so, my first recommendation would be the Classic Audio Reproductions Hartsfields. They're about 107 dB efficient I believe, and can handle a couple hundred watts. They aren't the ultimate in low coloration or pinpoin... 
In your price range, a dynamic or planar magnetic speaker has an advantage: No power supply or transformer needed. An electrostat has to have a power supply and an impedance-matching transformer, so before the panels are even built there's a signi... 
If $ was no object what speaker would you buy?
Oooooooo, fullrange crossoverless plasma..... Good call, Brian. Hey, can I change my vote?? 
If $ was no object what speaker would you buy?
If money was no object? I'd build my own. Not that I think I'm smarter than experienced engineers, and in fact I'd hire one to do some of the more critical design work for me. But I have a few ideas about what an "ideal speaker" would do, and woul... 
What can come after Apogee Divas ?
Apogees are a very tough act to follow, as obviously you appreciate.Well since I'm a SoundLab dealer, my suggestion will be pretty predictable. I do count a few former Apogee owners among my customers.Depending on the layout of your room, it's pos... 
Is KEF no longer relevant?
I have very fond memories of building particleboard cabinets and soldering up crossovers for my collection of B139 woofers, B110 midranges and T27 tweeters. Kent Engineering and Foundry used to be at the top of the game as far as drivers available... 
Best speaker deals on Audiogon at the moment
Hi Steverw,Welcome! I think you'll find that music well reproduced does good things for the soul, and I think you'll find your fellow audiophiles to be a very good bunch of people.In my opinion, the worst deal in the world may well be to to fall f... 
how much to $pend to claim i am an audiophile?
If you've ever judged the price of a restaurant meal by how many CD's it costs, you're an audiophile.If you've ever been able to hear the difference between two sound systems, and cared that there was a difference, you're an audiophile.If you've e... 
Which Power Amp to buy
I agree with Steve; looking over the list I'd go with a McCormack, probably the DNA-1, for driving the baby Maggies. Curse that MMG. The damn things should be outlawed, says I. DukeDealer who loses sales to the Maggie MMG. Arrrrgh. 
Why hasn't America discovered the Fertin sound yet
Bonjour Laurentgilles,I haven't heard any Fertins but I've heard several Supravox drivers, and own one pair of Supravox drivers. They have been represented here in the US for a few years now. I presume the 20EX is a 200 millimeter field coil drive... 
Spaker Question
I have some experience with the Parasound JC-1's. What are your sonic priorities in a loudspeaker? Room/placement constraints? How loud do you listen? Need a wide sweet spot? And of course, ballpark budget?The JC-1's are an excellent match with so... 
Is harmonic accuracy and timbre important at all?
Hi Drubin,I'd say the main attributes a loudspeaker should have for quality reproduction are: Natural-sounding tonal balance (with radiation pattern playing a critical but oft-overlooked role here); lack of audible distortion (which covers a huge ... 
Is harmonic accuracy and timbre important at all?
Recreating an exact acoustic analog of the original performance is a very noble-sounding goal, but is not possible at the current state of the art for most performances.A much more practical goal would be this: To recreate the same PERCEPTION as w... 
Efficient speakers v. less efficient speakers
Hi Shadorne,I don't know enough to discuss the relative distortion properties of low efficiency vs high efficiency designs, much less their perception (which is what really matters). I would think that some of the techniques used to get high effic... 
Efficient speakers v. less efficient speakers
I agree with the posts pointing out that a high efficiency system usually has better dynamic contrast than a low efficiency system. Let me try to explain why. It's a nasty little secret almost nobody talks about. Theoretically, a loudspeaker's out...