
Responses from audiokinesis

Dual duty and LOUD
Coman61, I have quite a bit of experience with various planar speakers and unfortunately I don't think that's the answer for you. I think your requirements might be best served by loudspeakers that use high quality prosound drivers. One of the cha... 
Anyone hear Gamut S300 amplifier
I heard this amplifier on pipe dreams two years running at CES, and both years went back to the room several times.I'd previously heard the pipe dreams several times and without getting into details let's just say that I never really warmed up to ... 
Atma-Sphere amps with Eggleston Andra II's
French Fries,The Atma-Spheres and other output transformerless tube amps roughly approximate a "current source", unlike most amplifiers which approximate a "voltage source". In English, that means the Atma-Sphere amps deliver less than their rated... 
Speaker recommendations in the $3,500-$4,000 range
Hi Clay,Thanks for your kind words and detailed response.SP Technology makes a speaker called the Timepiece that comes to mind. It combines a waveguide-loaded tweeter and a woofer that goes pretty deep and solid. The waveguide gives good radiation... 
best preamp ever - cost is no object
The two finest with which I have much experience are the Atma-Sphere MP-1 and the CTC Blowtorch. Disclaimer - I peddle one and owned the other. With suitable system matching, they're in the same league. 
Accurate vs Musical
The ideal would be a system that recreates, at the listener's ear, the exact waveforms of the performance that the artists originally performed or intended (specifying "intended" to take into account multitrack and synthesized recordings that neve... 
Speaker recommendations in the $3,500-$4,000 range
Hello Clay,I would guess that the finest PMC monitor system in the US is a tough act to follow...First I'd suggest you make your speaker choice before you finalize your amplifier choice. I'd like to ask a few questions, not that you haven't though... 
What if you don't like them should you
I've been a customer who changed his mind, and I've been a dealer whose customer changed his mind. The needs and concerns on both sides are legitimate.Under the circumstances I think what the dealer is requesting is reasonable, especially if it's ... 
Need help choosing spkrs I've never heard
Michaela,Well my choice of wording was poor. I see opinions here as quite valuable for letting someone know what the possible contenders are. But the final decision should not rest on other people's opinions. Duke 
Need help choosing spkrs I've never heard
If you truly know yourself when it comes to your loudspeaker likes and dislikes, and if you know enough about loudspeaker design to recognize what you're looking for when you see it, then yes there's a good chance that you could make an excellent ... 
Atma-Sphere amps with Eggleston Andra II's
Hi Bill,You might consider e-mailing Ralph Karsten with your question and include a link to John Atkinson's measurement page from the 2002 Stereophile review of the Andra II. Ralph's a very straight shooter. Here's the link showing Atkinson's impe... 
Ever bought inefficient speakers 4 this reason?
Assuming you like the speakers you have, I think the issue could be much more cost-effectively addressed by having a technician make a minor modification (changing a resistor or two) in either your preamp or amp. You might contact the manufacturer... 
What makes a High Efficiency Speaker
Swampwalker - thanks for your kind words! Regarding line source loudspeakers, maybe I can offer a few thoughts. From a point source, radiation intensity falls off at 6 dB for every doubling of distance, and from a line source radiation intensity f... 
What makes a High Efficiency Speaker
As you've probably noticed, Punkuk, there's a wide diversity of opinion as to what exactly consitutes a "high efficiency" speaker. One thing you should keep your eye on is exactly what's being specified by the manufacturer. Typically manufacturers... 
Speaker phase and timing
A strong early reflection or diffraction can ruin the soundstaging. The usual suspects are the sidewall first reflection zones and anything between (or between and behind) the speakers.I use that Roger Waters disc to fine-tune speaker distance fro...