
Responses from audiokinesis

Low watt tube amps/pros/cons
Out of curiosity, I clicked on the link Tvad provided above.The link took me to a speaker with an internal volume of roughly 3 cubic feet (my estimation), and a claimed efficiency of 94 dB/1 watt/1 meter with bass extension (-3 dB) to 26 Hz.Accord... 
dual & where to install?
I'm aware of at least two schools of thought on the subject.The first would recommend placing one sub to the extreme right of the listening position, and the other to the extreme left of the listening position. This works with the ear/brain system... 
Taking audio too seriously?
My audiophilia nervosa eventually reached the point where I had to do some serious soul-searching and make a far-reaching decision: Either join a twelve-step program, or become a dealer. Dukeps: On the magnet orientation question, are those ferrit... 
ESP Concert Grands......
I don't know where to hear them in NYC, but do applaud your including the big ESP's on your shortlist. The Concert Grand is a superb loudspeaker in my opinion. Nope, I don't sell 'em. If you're genuinely looking in that price range, and if you don... 
New to electrostatics, need advise for Quad 2805
Excellent advice given by Newbee.On the bass issue, with a dipole close proximity to the rear wall or a corner can actually decrease rather than increase the bass, because it's the out-of-phase backwave that's getting the benefit of boundary reinf... 
subwoofers and panels don't mix
I think that most people buy subwoofers largely by the numbers, and the numbers aren't kind to transient response optimizing designs.Consider two subwoofers, identical in size and price. The first one is -3 dB anechoic at 40 Hz, and second one is ... 
Soundlab M1 and Alpha-Core cables
Yes, Alpha-Core cables work quite well with SoundLabs. That's one of the cable lines I considered carrying, but ended up with something else (I'm a SoundLab dealer).A cable that takes the wide, flat, thin, low-skin-effect geometry even further is ... 
Sound traps/acoustic panels to improve the sound
Increasing the amount of absorptive material in your room is, in my opinion, more likely than not a step in the wrong direction. Nearly all absorptive materials are more effective at short wavelengths (high frequencies) than at long ones, and it s... 
2 subwoofer???
Thanks, Bignerd100.Giving credit where credit's due, my primary source for the above-mentioned first school of thought is David Griesinger, and my primary source for the second school of thought is Earl Geddes. Just for the record, Earl recommends... 
2 subwoofer???
Hi Dbld,A basic premise of the second school of thought is that room acoustics dominates in the bass region. So the idea is to use what inevitably happens in the room to your advantage as much as possible.Consider the single subwoofer situation: T... 
2 subwoofer???
Virtually all CD's are mono below 80 Hz, so I doubt there would be a significant audible difference between dual mono subs and dual stereo subs.I do believe that dual subs offer significant room integration advantages over a single sub.From my inv... 
what is good sound ?
Mr. T, I think you've described two types of listening: hypercritical evaluative listening, and relaxed heart-&-soul listening. In my opinion, we properly engage in the former to identify equipment that will allow us to later engage uninterrup... 
Zu on Zu
While I haven't measured the Druids, based on what the Griewe design seems to be (a type of underdamped tuned pipe) the SoundStage curve is not unreasonable given the way it was measured. Based on my own auditions of the speaker, I would expect th... 
Zu on Zu
Hi Sean,You've cleared up some of my misconceptions about your 10" driver. Very, very impressive linear x-max capability for such a high efficiency, wideband driver. Yes, I'm jealous. On the crossover terminology issue, note that different writers... 
Zu Druid or Tone + sub
Bevan, it looks to me like you have the answer three posts up! Make the pilgrimmage to WNF Audio - it will be well worth the effort. What your own ears tell you is worth far, far more than other people's opinions.Best of luck to you,Duke