
Responses from audiokinesis

Zu Druid or Tone + sub
Hi Bevan,Even though it's not practical given your location, I agree with Tvad's sentiments that the Zus are speakers you need to make your own mind up about. As you have no doubt noticed, they evoke a great diversity of opinion. My guess is that ... 
High Efficiency Monitors - List
Omega makes some fairly high efficiency small speakers (genuine 8 ohm load, efficiency in the lower to mid 90's) using modified Fostex and other fullrange drivers. You trade off bass extension and high power handling capacity. D. Edwards is right ... 
Powered woofers
Thanks for your responses. I appreciate each of you taking the time.Gregm, thanks for mentioning the AP Medea speakers - I wasn't aware of them. Perhaps along vaguely similar lines to your DIY project, I think Carfae made a Lowther-based speaker c... 
contradictory communication
MrTennis, thanks for letting us know who you are. I went to and read your "Accuracy and Musicality" article to get a better feel for where you're coming from.I dropped syllogistic logic class nearly 30 years ago (seemed like the lo... 
High res tube amps under $1.5k : TAD-60 perhaps?
For highest possible resolution in a reasonably priced tube amp, you might want to consider OTL amplification if your vintage Merlins have a relatively friendly impedance curve. Do you know what their impedance curve looks like? Duke 
Sound ideas.....
You might want to get a copy of "Premium Home Theater - Design & Construction" by Earl Geddes.Though video topics are covered, most of the book is about optimizing the sound in a home listening room. The author is an expert in the fields of ac... 
differences between tube and solid state designs
Biomimetic, I can't speak to loudspeaker design at a specific price point, but maybe I can point out one reason why a loudspeaker's job in general is quite a challenge.Everything in the analog signal path before the loudspeaker deals with three do... 
New to tubes have questions
Gs5556 and Pawlowski6132 named probably the biggest don'ts. If you get a tube amp that has a power on switch and a separate standby switch, be sure to follow the owner's manual and don't turn them on in the wrong order. 
Full Range Speakers for a Small Listening Room
Thanks for the additional information, Pkaram.You might consider the Shahinian Hawks, as I believe they meet your criteria. The designer, Dick Shahinian, shares your priorities. Another possiblitity is the active Gradient Revolution, with a couple... 
Full Range Speakers for a Small Listening Room
Let's see... piano goes to 27, tuba goes to 44, double bass goes to 41, contrabassoon goes to 29, tympani goes to 87, harp goes to 31, pipe organ goes to 16 (or even 8!). So I guess the criteria for "normal" classical music reproduction would be e... 
Downside of sensitivity?
I think Sean covered the issue quite well.In my opinion the single biggest downside to high efficiency is that you will need a bigger box to get the same bass extension. If you want the advantages of high efficiency (improved dynamic contrast, for... 
differences between tube and solid state designs
Well first of all, there are different types of solid state amps, and different types of tube amps. Areas where different topologies produce different results mostly have to do with their distortion characteristics. For instance, tube amps soft-cl... 
Magnepans in a small room
Dipoles are in my experience quite forgiving of small rooms and/or wierd room acoustics. I have a customer who used 3 foot wide by nearly 7 foot tall electrostats in a 12 by 12 foot room and was quite happy with them.You might try setting up your ... 
"Absolute best" used speaker for $8-10K
Greetings Queanh74,Well I don't know what the "absolute best" is either but let me toss out something for you to consider.I presume that you plan to sit fairly far back to listen in that large room of yours. In that case, the reverberant field res... 
Low level listening
In my experience electrostats and high efficiency speakers do the best job of giving you good clarity and detail at low volume levels. In my opinion a fullrange electrostat is probably the optimum, but also a fairly expensive approach. A high qual...