
Responses from audiokinesis

Anyone familiar with the Manger driver?
D Edwards,I think it's more than fair to enter a thread to address what I believe to be misinformation, and that's what I did. If I have misinterpreted your statements I apologize, and invite you to clarify. I also invite you to let me know which ... 
panel speaker purchase
Eminent Technology comes to mind as a possible Maggie alternative, using push-pull rather than single-ended topology as I recall.I think that Beveridge and Janszen are back in production, under the direction of Harold's son and Arthur's son, respe... 
Anyone familiar with the Manger driver?
Up the thread a ways, in a reply to Essentialaudio (Brian Walsh), D edwards wrote:"I cannot write an experience for you but no SoundLab is ever going to win an award for clarity, not with the reverb off the back wall (100% distortion)...",I'd like... 
Quad 2805 and room placement
First of all, congrats on your Quad purchase! I haven't heard the new models, but I've owned several pairs of Quads over the years, and like the new braced frame concept.Distance to sidewalls is not critical with large panel dipoles, though genera... 
Calling for opinions on Escalante Fremonts
Hi Undertow,Well thanks for the positive comments on my speakers (the Stormbringers). To clarify one thing, the port system is modular - each port consists of an outer flared section, a short straight section, and an inner flared section. Possible... 
Are the Speltz Autoformers right for Maggies?
Neal's descriptions are consistent with my experiences with the Zeros. I think his advice is right on the money.Duke 
SMALL, but efficient speaker
Small size, high efficiency, and "enuff balls down low for Deep Purple, Zep and the like". Not possible all in the same speaker.Given that larger speakers apparently aren't practical in your room, I suggest you relax your "high efficiency" require... 
Good speakers less efficient?
Sharorne,My experience with tonal balance shifting as the volume level changes has generally been the opposite of yours, though I don't doubt your observation. My experience with high efficiency speakers has mostly been with horn systems (though u... 
mm dicapo speakers amps tube or solid
The power output of a low output impedance amplifier (such as a low negative feedback tube amp) will be affected by the speaker's impedance curve as follows: Where the speaker's impedance rises the amp will put out more power, and where the speake... 
Good speakers less efficient?
Accepting low efficiency allows a designer to get deeper bass in a given box size. All else being equal, most people will pick the speaker with deeper bass. Passive equalization in crossover networks is pretty much limited to "cut" instead of "boo... 
Anyone get to hear the new Selah 3D RMAF?
Speakers that made my friend's and/or my wife's shortlist of recommendations for me to go hear included Intuitive Design, the Selahs, Quad electrostats, Harbeths, and the Pioneer EX speakers. I think there may have been a couple of others but I do... 
Anyone get to hear the new Selah 3D RMAF?
I agree with Dean's assessment. The Selahs were among the best sounding speakers I heard at RMAF, though admittedly I didn't hear very many. But the speakers I did take the time to go hear were ones highly recommended to me by one of my friends wh... 
Placement of dual subwoofers...
Well you'll probably get as many suggstions as you get responses, if not more. For instance, I'm offering not one but two suggestions.If you want to maximize the sense of spaciousness that subwoofers can give you, and if you're running them in ste... 
Roger Sanders is back
That's great news, Angela - thanks for passing it on!Amazing to see that the ESL amp is still only three grand. That's great - I hope Roger sells a ton of 'em, as well as their bigger brothers!I presume Roger is working on an electrostatic speaker... 
Need help understanding tube wpc
While it's true that watts is watts whether tube or solid state, the ear's sensitivity to different types of distortion is what's coming into play in a "tube watts vs solid state watts" discussion.Tubes soft-clip; that is, they produce less high-o...