
Responses from audiokinesis

What do you look for in damping factor?
Damping factor is just part of the overall gestalt of a sound system. I used to look at it in isolation, and assume higher is better. But high damping factor usually calls for large amounts of global negative feedback, which introduce high-order h... 
Maybe MartinLogan not best for AC/DC at 96 db..??
As a longtime electrostat owner and dealer, I'd have to say that this is not the ideal technology for hard rock at high decibels. In my opinion, one effective way to get where you want to go is to use a high-end speaker with pro-sound drivers. Exa... 
Any UFC fans out there?
I enjoyed watching skinny Royce Gracie in the early no-weight-classes, one-night tournaments. I guess I had more appreciation for a martial artist who could subdue his opponent without beating him to a bloody pulp and leaving him possibly damaged ... 
Best amps for rock and heavy metal
Bomberman, I'm afraid you'll end up with as many opinions as replies! If someone told me I could have any of the amps on your list as a birthday present, I'd go with an Accuphase. I'm not familiar with those particular models, but every Accuphase ... 
Best amps for rock and heavy metal
I think Audphile1's post is right on the money as far as this being an amp/speaker issue rather than just an amp issue. Dyanmic contrast is at least as much a function of the speaker as of the amplifier.You see, we're used to thinking that our spe... 
Best Tube Tester for 6SN7 & 6AS7
You might try posting your question at the OTL Asylum, as both of these tube types are used in OTL amps so there's a good chance some of the people there will have experience with suitable tube testers. 
Gallo Reference 3.1 vs Zu Druid
A large, hard-surfaced room means that the reverberant field will be stronger than is normally the case. This places higher priority on speakers that do a good job of generating a reverberant field that has a realistic spectral balance. In my opin... 
THE Show 07
Too bad Ty won't be there. I wanted to talk with him some, and tell him that I admire not only his speakers but also his business model. I'll be showing off a speaker or two of my own in Room 1301 at the St. Tropez, so stop in for a minute and say... 
Salk HT3's work w Audio Research, near field setup
I used to have a D200, took it in trade. Nice, warm amp.I think it would work fine.Eight to ten feet away isn't tecnically "nearfield". The nearfield is where you are close enough to the speakers that the direct sound delivers more energy to your ... 
Speaker stand design - Is this a good idea?
I strongly favor sticky stuff instead of the little fence. I have peeled off veneer with Blu-Tak, and have learned from my mistake.If the veneer is applied after the boxes are built, it's probably not stuck on as well as if the box is made from pr... 
Anyone familiar with the Manger driver?
Doug,Thanks for letting me know that we aren't nearly as far apart as I had thought. I have many questions (in the interest of learning rather than debating), but as you pointed out earlier this is a Manger thread.To Fatparrot: Looks like I pretty... 
Tyler Acoustics PD-30
I haven't heard this speaker but can offer up my $.02 on the configuration.In my opinion this is the right way to do MTM (or in this case WHW). You see, the vertical stack of woofers will cause a radiation pattern narrowing in the vertical plane, ... 
Anyone familiar with the Manger driver?
Doug,I didn't realize Warner Imaging was still in business. I used to be a dealer for Emil. Those were some very, very nice amps. I was a dealer for ATC, and probably would be today if I hadn't started putting my nickels into my own speaker projec... 
Anyone familiar with the Manger driver?
One thing I missed in my (incredibly long-winded) reply to D edwards -You mentioned that the backwave energy generated by the SoundLabs is "maybe correlated maybe not correlated".Excellent observation! When you wrote that, I hadn't yet posted much... 
Anyone familiar with the Manger driver?
Some of D edwards questions or statements, and Duke's responses: D edwards: How can a speaker with a marginally controllable fullrange effects/reverb system win a clarity contest?Duke: This is a good question, and gets right to the heart of the ma...