
Responses from audiokinesis

used CDP recommendation for use as transport
Hi Michael,Love your guitar work. My regards to The Mechanics.You might consider a DVD player as a good low-cost transport. I use the Oppo DV-970HD as a transport, and have done so in four rooms at two audio shows with (so far) no complaints. Nope... 
How do YOU pronounce...
Essay seedy 
Making High End Clones at Home for Fun and Savings
An identical box and identical drivers doesn't make one speaker a "clone" of another. In my opinion, the heart and soul of loudspeaker design is crossover design. Duke 
What subwoofers are suited 4 audiophiles
Aktchi, I think you are correct. Duke 
What subwoofers are suited 4 audiophiles
I think the problem of getting natural-sounding bass in a small room is primarily a room acoustics issue.Let me give an example. There is one path from the subwoofer to the listening position, and another path length from the subwoofer to the wall... 
Speaker cone material pro's and con's
If you want a well-written discussion of cone materials by a professional engineer who is not writing on behalf of his employer, I suggest you join the Audio Engineering Society. I did, and to me access to their published papers is well worth the ... 
Question about power handling
Just some random thoughts off the top of my head...With most speakers, the thermal power handling limit is the point at which the glue in the voice coil melts and the voice coil deforms. How much wattage can be applied to the speaker before this h... 
Is there such a thing...
I agree with Herman's suggestion that you give the Unison amps a try on your speakers if possible. Your speakers are certainly in the ballpark.There are many 845-based amps that I'm not familiar with (the Unison being among them), but among those ... 
Is there such a thing...
There is more to it than just the tube, I'm afraid. Single-ended topology has sonic advantages over push-pull topology.What are the efficiency and impedance (minimum as well as "nominal") of your speakers? Some 845 amps are specifically designed t... 
Best speakers for off-axis listening
The ear localizes sound by two mechanisms: Arrival time and intensity. Arrival time is a bit more dominant below roughly 1.5 kHz and intensity a bit more dominant above, but both are important.If you are seated off to one side of the centerline, t... 
Eben loudspeakers
I was very impressed with them. I know at least one highly respected high end cable manufacturer who bought Ebens for his own system.Duke 
The Shape of the Watt / Puppy and Others
Getting back to the configuration used in the Watt/Puppy and others, it's a very intelligent way to meet several design goals.One thing designers often try to do is minimze the baffle width. Midranges are narrower than woofers, and tweeters narrow... 
Is there a modern equivalent of Allison Ones?
Aktchi, if a rear-ported speaker is designed and tuned for corner placement, that can work well. The AudioNote AN/E is an example of a rear-ported speaker that's intended to be placed in a corner. What they do is tune the speaker quite a bit lower... 
Is there a modern equivalent of Allison Ones?
The Gradient Revolution has been suggested, and I'd like to toss out a few comments.The Revolution can be placed up against one wall, but Gradient recommends keeping them 6 feet from corners. Springbok's original post mentiones corners, unfortunat... 
Single-driver speakers for 2W 45 SET monoblocks
Hi Paul,The standard answer to your inquiry would probably be the Klipsch LaScala, which is a darn good speaker for the money.However, I suggest that you also contact John Kalinowski, aka "Johnk", a custom speaker designer who specializes in very ...