
Responses from audiokinesis

Planar close to a rear wall? Quad for example?
If you can completely absorb the backwave, it would probably work. Unfortunately I don't think that's realistically possible. The problem is, the two-foot round-trip path length difference (imparting a 2-millisecond delay) before the backwave ener... 
Novice ears or unrealistic expectations?
In general, there's more difference to be had (for better or for worse) in changing speakers than in changing amps. The typical audible difference between speakers is probably at least an order of magnitude greater than the typical audible differe... 
Looking for the "better sub"
One thing you might consider in a two-channel context is that a subwoofer that's "flat" anechoic will have a rising response due to room gain. Typical room gain is +3dB per octave from 100 Hz down to about 20 Hz. In my experience, a subwoofer whos... 
Best new loudspeaker
"one could have a similar discussion with respect to food, literature, art and movies."In my opinion this comment would be applicable if we were discussing music, which we are not. We are discussing the replication of music. That replication is ei... 
Flat Anechoic Measured Frequency Response Speakers
Jkalman, in my opinion Robert E. Greene of the Absolute Sound (also a high-ranking professor of mathmatics at UCLA) has a genuine understanding of what matters when it comes to a loudspeaker's in-room performance. Here is a link to his website:htt... 
Flat Anechoic Measured Frequency Response Speakers
Bob, typically driver interaction has a large effect on radiation pattern in the vertical plane but not much in the horizontal plane. Even with the digital crossover, you can see the results of driver interaction in the vertical polar map. I use a... 
Flat Anechoic Measured Frequency Response Speakers
Shadorne, I hadn't seen your post four up when I typed my reply three up. Congratulations on catching the implications and applicability of that off-axis bump. When working on a design, I place most of my attention on what's happening off-axis rat... 
Flat Anechoic Measured Frequency Response Speakers
Shadorne, I think I heard that model (or possibly a predecessor) about five years ago at CES. My impression was they would indeed play very loud. They were very detailed, but to my ears they sounded forward and a bit bright. Now they may well have... 
Flat Anechoic Measured Frequency Response Speakers
Hesson11, that is a very eductional set of curves. Thanks for posting the link. In the 45 to 75 degree family of curves, you see that big bump between 2 kHz and 5 kHz? Unless you listen nearfield or under quasi-anechoic conditions, that bump is pr... 
Flat Anechoic Measured Frequency Response Speakers
I think these are anechoic or simulated anechoic (time-gated spliced with close-miked) measurements, but don't know for sure. Click on "Measurements", on the right-hand side: 
Best new loudspeaker
"even if there were a measurable change in frequency response, such a state would neither be bad or good.""the issue between us is whether i consider a reduction in inaccuracy an increase in performance. i do not."Somehow I can't see Peter Walker ... 
Obscure companies making excellent speakers?
Thanks for starting this thread, Pedrillo. I and the other small companies appreciate the acknowledgement and are encouraged by your efforts here to raise awareness and interest. And most of us are friends with each other. One of us (Dale Pitcher ... 
Room Issues
I think that fairly high-output speakers with a smooth power response would work best in a room that size. They can be narrow pattern or wide pattern, but the point is unless you listen nearfield the reverberant field's energy will dominate the to... 
Obscure companies making excellent speakers?
Well, Pedrillo, since you asked...Okay this brand has advertised in at least one of the big magazines, but they sell direct only and even sell through Audiogon (surely that qualifies them!): Tyler Acoustics. At CES 2008, the best under-ten-grand-t... 
Obscure companies making excellent speakers?
First let's start with some largely if not entirely under-the-radar companies producing high-quality speakers that I have heard and admired but presently have no commercial ties to (this list is from memory and no doubt incomplete). In no particul...