
Responses from audiokinesis

Harshness in Midrange??? Any Help
In looking at the Stereophile measurements of the 802D, I see a couple of characteristics that could possibly contribute to "harshness" on female vocals. you can see, there is a loca... 
We have a Winner -- Major "MINI" monitors
Congrats on your new speakers, Bbchem! If I weren't doing something similar in format myself, I'd definitely be a dealer for Bob Smith. He's a very humble yet extremely enthusiastic man, and does his homework with extreme diligence and precision a... 
Recommend a forward speaker
Shadorne,Duke is not infallible. You are more than welcome to disagree with me. However, I don't think I made either of the two statements you quote there (of course if I did... that just proves that I'm right about not being infallible!).My fall-... 
Hansen Emperor or MBL 101E or Avalon Isis
Bonjour Emigene,I haven't heard the Hansens, but really like Avalon as well as MBL. I would probably be an Avalon dealer if I wasn't pursuing my own speaker venture.I have worked with speakers having polydirectional radiation characteristics, conc... 
Recommend a forward speaker
Newbee, thanks for the vote of confidence but I'm really not all that. Heck, I'm not even a real duke... but then you're not a real newbee, are you??My preference is in the opposite direction of what Dennis is looking for - in general I prefer the... 
Smoother bass by running woofer out of phase?
One other comment relative to in-room bass smoothness: Note that fullrange dipoles have smoother in-room bass than monopoles (James M. Kates, "Dipole Loudspeaker Response in Listening Rooms", JAES May 2002). A single dipole may be thought of as tw... 
Smoother bass by running woofer out of phase?
The ear literally responds slowly at very low frequencies. We cannot hear less than 1 cycle at very low frequencies, and by the time 1 cycle has reached us enough time has elaped that we're past the direct sound and into the reverberant sound. Unf... 
Smoother bass by running woofer out of phase?
At least one researcher in the field of subwoofer/room interaction recommends using two subwoofers operated 90 degrees out-of-phase with each other. I have used subs operated 180 degrees out of phase with each other at times. It offends one's noti... 
Need advise regarding small bookshelf monitor
Ontjesr, I second the Amphion recommendation.Another possibility is a variation on the Loki kit from Madisound. The Loki uses a 6.5" coaxial driver from Seas. I was going to manufacture a speaker based on this driver, and even showed a pair at an ... 
Tyler/Salk sensible alternatives to Gallos?
Achieving decent soundstaging across a wide listening area requires taking psychoacoustics into account. The ear localizes sound by two mechanisms - arrival time and intensity. Arrival time will inevitably be skewed in favor of the closer speaker ... 
Rear Ported versus Non Rear Ported floor standing
Whether or not a speaker works well near the wall depends on the details of the design. While as a general rule of thumb we could say that the average rear-ported speaker would not work well in such situations, there are exceptions that work excep... 
In-line xover question
Thank you, Syndeysophia, and very best of luck to you. I have no experience with the NHT unit, but that might well be a more ideal solution.Duke 
Small, tube-friendly speaker suggestions needed
Just curious - what do you not like about Reference 3a speakers? I'm not very familiar with them, but see them recommended quite often to people in your situation.How large can the stand-mount speaker be and still work for you?Is there any particu... 
Cost no Object but Small Room
Omnis, dipoles, bipoles, and polydirectional speakers work best when they can be set up such that the onset of side-wall and rear-wall reflections reaches the listener's ears at least 10 milliseconds after the first-arrival sound. The 10 milliseco... 
In-line xover question
Hello Sydneysophia,Thanks for replying.Okay, when doing a crossover I try to get a symmetrical slope on both sides of the crossover frequency. In my opinion, this applies to subwoofers as well. The Velodyne HGS-10 has a second-order (12 dB per oct...