
Responses from audiokinesis

Whats the best $1000 speakers
Magnepan MG12 would be my nomination for speakers. Maybe an Oppo DVD player as a source, and a 100 watt (or more)integrated amp to drive 'em. Dukedealer/manufacturer 
Can an amp overdamp a speaker?
Atmasphere's description here is EXACTLY what I heard with Wolcott amps as I turned the damping factor control up higher and higher. The loudspeakers were SoundLab fullrange electrostats:"...[One] of the first things to go is the low frequency amb... 
I have a question about my speakers
I'm not familiar with the Primare SPA 21, but 180 watts into 4 ohms should be enough for the Maggie 1.6 for most people. Excellent speaker in my opinion.Dukedealer/manufacturer 
Subwoofer and tweeter for Quads
Hello Ggavetti,I have owned several pairs of Quads (57's and 63's), and have some unorthodox ideas about how to combine a tweeter and a subwoofer with them. On the tweeter, in my opinion the problem with the Quads is beaming. They have decent high... 
Can an amp overdamp a speaker?
Dcstep, I don't know how much of a difference greater amplifier power makes. In my experience if the amplifier and speaker work well together, it doesn't really matter what the amplifier's damping factor is. I used to think that a speaker would ri... 
Do any speakers image/sound-stage close to walls?
Springbok10, there are tradeoffs both ways but overall a dipole would not be my choice for your speaker placement. You'd have a strong early-arriving reflection off the wall behind the speaker, and that tends to be detrimental to clarity (as well ... 
Can an amp overdamp a speaker?
Gs5556, the net effect of low damping factor on SPL is not the same as having a resistor in series. The modification of Qe is the same, but because there is in fact no resistor in series that is soaking up power there is no corresponding loss in S... 
Do any speakers image/sound-stage close to walls?
Springbok10, thanks. Good question - I wasn't very specific, and where we measure from makes a difference when the speaker is 21 inches deep! I'd guess that if you can get the front of the speaker 3 feet out from the wall when toed in, that would ... 
Can an amp overdamp a speaker?
Gs5556, I agree with you that the primary low-frequency effect of amplifier output impedance (or damping factor) is on driver electrical Q. And the lowest possible value of Qe is not necessarily ideal. Let me give an example of a speaker that woul... 
which should i purchase (tetra or sonus faber)
I like Tetra speakers very much (though I haven't heard the 606 yet). Sounds like you like 'em too. Seriously I doubt there's a wrong choice between the Tetras and the Sonus Fabers, but why not get the one that your ears say are "without a doubt t... 
Do any speakers image/sound-stage close to walls?
Toed in sufficiently, the controlled radiation pattern of the SP Techs will avoid significant interference from the sidewalls, so I think they'll give you good soundstage width. In my experience, good soundstage depth requires the speakers to have... 
Can an amp overdamp a speaker?
Coming at this issue with my speaker designer hat on, in my opinion it is possible for a speaker to be either overdamped or underdamped by an amplifier. Most speakers today are designed with high damping factor solid state amps in mind, but then t... 
Economics of small speaker manufacturers
Mrtennis, thanks for the vote of confidence but designing and manufacturing an electrostatic element is out of my league. Doing so would call for a level of engineering and financial commitment that is beyond me, and besides at this time I don't s... 
I Have 100K for Speakers?
Silliness or insanity in this hobby (as in most) is largely a matter of degree. While to many of us $100k on speakers seems insane, how many of us have spent hundreds of dollars on interconnects or power cords? In the eyes of the average person, t... 
Need advice on loudspeakers Southern California
Bruce74,Welcome, and I hope you enjoy your interaction with us audio loonies here. As you probably guessed, there are some very very nice speaker systems in your price range. I'm a dealer and a speaker manufacturer, but what I'm going to suggest h...