
Responses from audiokinesis

Owners of speakers by obscure companies chime in
Regarding how us obscurians promote our products, I do audio shows and take my speakers to people's home for an audition if they don't live too far away. I have had some success with Audiogon ads, but zero results from a year's worth of Stereophil... 
Speaker db rating?
A "rule of thumb" that I've seen in high-efficiency speaker circles is for the speaker/amp combination to be able to reach, on paper at least, 102 dB at one meter.Each doubling of power is theoretically 3 dB more output, so 8 watts is three doubli... 
Has the internet been good for audio?
The internet has been very good to me. For one thing, it has allowed me to continue being an active dealer even though I live in a small town.I'd say about 3/4 of the sales I make depend on the buyer first being able to sell something to finance t... 
40 watt amp with 8 ohm speakers
I'm not familiar with those Ohm speakers, but 40 watts is probably sufficient for most applications. If I recall correctly, only their old Walsh type drivers were really low efficiency. As for a good budget CD player, I suggest you look at Oppo dv... 
Large room fix
Csmithbarc, my speakers should have the same tonal balance pretty much regardless of amplification except in the deep bass (below 60 Hz or so). With a low-damping-factor tube amp my speakers will give increased bass output as compared with a solid... 
Bass, Frequency response, Etc...Noob Question
I'd probably have a hard time looking at sets of specs and reliably picking out which speakers are best suited for rock.In my opinion, for rock music you want bass down to 40 Hz or so (you probably don't need it deeper except for synth rock), and ... 
Large room fix
Csmithbarc, given your placement constraints I would not recommend dipoles, bipoles, or omnis.Speakers with good power response that I think would work well in your room include models from SP Technology (Timepiece or larger); big Harbeths; Gradie... 
Large room fix
I presume, from your question, that significantly treating the room is not a practical option. Still, if you have slap-echo, that really has to be dealt with. The more stuff you put into the room to break up the energy that would otherwise reflect... 
Reccomendations for 802D's?
The 802D has an impedeance of around 4 ohms over most of the spectrum (not counting the bass peaks), but the impedance rises to well over 20 ohms at about 3 kHz. Here, take a look: no... 
High Efficiency Dynamic Speaker Suggestions Please
Hi Phil, thanks for the additional room information. To answer your question, I tried to design my speakers in anticipation of a wide variety of amps - but specifically, they work best with low damping factor tube amps (assuming the port tuning is... 
Are planar speakers less prone to room interaction
Hudsonhawk, Maggies and Martin Logans are definitely competitors. If you read a lot of online comments, you'll find that people pretty much agree on what the tonal balance of Maggies is whether they like them or not, but then you'll find a diversi... 
Are planar speakers less prone to room interaction
Dipoles interact with the room differently from monopoles, and have different setup requirements for good performance. Briefly, dipole bass is smoother in-room than monopole bass, but you don't want the reflected backwave energy arriving at the li... 
High Efficiency Dynamic Speaker Suggestions Please
The Emerald Physics speakers would probably be quite happy with Class D amplification, but the PiSpeakers and mine would probably perform their best with low damping factor tube amps. I can't speak for the Tylers or Opera Consonance speakers, but ... 
Good, Affordable Horns?
I've heard several Cain & Cains (including single and double Bens) and several Duevels, but not sure I've heard the Jupiters. Both lines include very nice speakers, different in presentation obviously. I wouldn't recommend an omni for a 12 by ... 
Help Design & Build a Cabinet - KNOW ANYONE?
I presume the format you have in mind is a cabinet that's very wide and very short, with the tweeter over the midrange in the middle of the cabinet face, flanked by a woofer to either side. There will be some lobing of the woofers' output in the h...