
Responses from audiokinesis

speakers for classical music
At the risk of redundancy, let me suggest taking a look at the paper Atma-Sphere linked to:, different amplifier types behave differently when they see a non-resistive loudspeaker load. ... 
speakers for classical music
I second Atma-Sphere's endorsement of Classic Audio Reproductions speakers. Tonal balance is excellent, as is inner detail, and they seem to have no dynamic limitations. They convey the emotion of the music extremely well, presumably by preserving... 
Something missing?
Shadorne, that was a clever but(t) cheeky response...;o)Duke 
Something missing?
Note that the hornspeakers Ditusa recommends use a fairly wide-pattern constant-directivity horn; these are imho a cut and a half above your average hornspeakers, and two cuts above your average prosound hornspeakers.The JBL 4430 and 4435 studio m... 
Mbl Magic?
Jtwrace, you know me all too well. Yup I like the SoundLabs a lot. My bipolars actually copy the radiation pattern of the A-1 over much of the spectrum, at least in the horizontal plane: 90 degrees, front and back.Assuming the upper end of our hyp... 
Mbl Magic?
I think the richness and liveliness you hear from a well set-up pair of MBLs is due in large measure to the unusually well-energized, spectrally correct reverberant field they generate. In this area, the MBLs replicate the soundfield characteristi... 
Emerald Physics CS-2, Opinions Please
My own experience with Robert Greene is that he doesn't join this or that product's "fan club"; he maintains an objective position. For example, he really likes the performance of the Gradient 1.3 and the Harbeth monitor 40, but is also well aware... 
Which amp to Bi-amp my Maggie 20.1
With a 130 Hz crossover point, I'd put the big amps on the upper frequency section. Not only will the upper frequency panels require more power on most music, but also clipping up there will be more audible than clipping on the bass panels.Duke 
Most subs seem too powerful
One reason a sub can sound "too powerful" is that its in-room response has one or two large peaks, which stand out. But if you turn the sub down enough that the peaks aren't a problem, the rest of the bass is too soft. The solution is either equal... 
two way or three way speakers
The number of "ways" in a speaker doesn't really have anything in common with the issue of whether or not to use a center channel. Both can be complex subjects, with there being exceptions to any general rules of thumb we might come up with. The s... 
Wilson MAXX musicallity and sound
Fpooyandeh, can you tell us a little bit about the room and speaker positioning? I know you have a "room correction" equalizer, but it cannot correct the loudspeaker's radiation pattern, and that might be part of the problem. Bass varies enormousl... 
Golden Ear award for $55 speaker tweak
Jax2, yes I also received a Golden Ear from Robert Greene in the same issue. Interestingly, of the four products he honors thusly, I am or was a dealer for three of them! Diffractionbegone is the only one I've not been affiliated with. And all fou... 
Emerald Physics CS-2, Opinions Please
Paul - Yes, there's a lot of conceptual kinship between what Clayton is doing and what I'm doing. We're both shooting for room-friendly speakers with controlled radiation patterns using prosound drivers, for much the same reasons. As far as passiv... 
Emerald Physics CS-2, Opinions Please
I was a dealer for Clayton, and remain a friend of his. Just for the record, he received a Golden Ear Award for the CS-2 in the June/July issue of The Abso!ute Sound.What Clayton did that is imho extraordinary is he pushed into bold new territory ... 
Speaker db rating?
Zippyy is correct on both counts. SPL falls off by 6 dB for every doubling of distance from a point source under anechoic conditions, but then in a non-anechoic room you get back energy from the reverberant field - and how much of a difference tha...