
Responses from audiokinesis

Economics of small speaker manufacturers
If up-front money wasn't an issue and I bought a containerload of speaker enclosures from overseas, by the time they arrived here in beautiful downtown Preston Idaho I'd have saved about 30%. I could probably save a similar amount on drivers and c... 
Tubes and light weight bass
Presumably the woofers on the Ushers are wired in parallel, so the impedance is lower at low frequencies than in the treble region. Maybe only one woofer goes up to meet the tweeter. At any rate, a solid state voltage-source-approximating amplifie... 
Near Full Range, Highly efficient Stand Monitors?
Hi Undertow,Without significant boundary reinforcement (like corner loading), no bookshelf-sized speaker is going to give you 95 dB/1 watt and an honest -3 dB "deep into the 30 Hz range".A very low damping factor tube amp will get you closer assum... 
Has anyone used "Quiet Rock" sheet rock in room?
Rives is right - a wholistic approach is by far the most cost-effective. Getting wall transmission down by 50 dB is of academic interest only if your doors only isolate by 25 dB and/or if your air conditioning ductwork acts like an intercom. You g... 
A question about front-ported speakers
It depends on what sort of environment the designer tuned the speakers for. The port tuning will be the designer's best guess as to what will work well given the speaker's anticipated environment. In the real world, low-frequency room acoustics va... 
Recommendations for best most efficient speakers
Tvad, I've shown the Jazz Modules with a 5-watt SET amp at RMAF 2006; a 15-watt SET amp at Lone Star '07, and a 30-watt SET amp at CES '07. One of my customers tried a bunch of different amps and for a long time his favorite was a 2.5 watt SET, bu... 
SET friendly speakers w/ slam?
Good call on the Classic Audio Reproductions speakers, Tvad. Not cheap, but Oooo baby they got slam.Atma-Sphere showed in two rooms at RMAF '07; they shared one of the big ground-floor ballrooms with Classic Audio Reproductions, and a regular-size... 
Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Signature Monitors?
The Linbrook Signature Monitors were among my favorite speakers at CES 2008, and the Tyler room was the least expensive room to make my favorites list. I think they are superb, especially for the price, and Ty is definitely one of the good guys. M... 
Innersound Speakers
Angela100 aka AJ, I enjoyed the video. I also enjoyed Roger's speakers at T.H.E. Show 2008; they were among my favorites.Roger and I have somewhat divergent opinions on how loudspeakers should interact with rooms (if at all) - probably arising fro... 
Is Acoustic Zen still in business?
Whatjd, I'm sure you meant no harm to Acoustic Zen but your thread title gives a potentially damaging first impression. Did you give it some time to see if the website came back up? Did you try calling them before you posted? Even if you did, in m... 
Stereophile Class A and Frequency Response
Let me explain the discrepancy between the Stereophile measurements and the Ultra Audio measurements.John Atkinson uses a simulated anechoic technique, employing time-gating over most of the spectrum and close-miking the woofer and port in the bas... 
Recommendations for best most efficient speakers
A pantale, note that the sensitivity rating alone doesn't tell the whole story, and can even lead you in the wrong direction. A 4 ohm speaker will have a higher 2.83 volt sensitivity rating because 2.83 volts into 4 ohms is 2 watts, but may well n... 
Gallo Reference 3.1 questions...
Low frequency room acoustics varies enormously from room to room (and even within the same room). I think the difference of opinion regarding the necessity of the subwoofer amp that you see among Gallo Ref 3 owners is mostly due to variations in r... 
Is there such a speaker...(loud but smooth)?
At the link below you'll find a thread wherein I describe a speaker I'm no longer commercially involved with that will play incredibly loud with no nasties. The only other system I've heard that can duplicate this feat is about sixteen times the p... 
Planar close to a rear wall? Quad for example?
MrTennis,Come to think of it, the original Quads have a felt pad that absorbs the tweeter's backwave. Hmmm... I hadn't taken that into consideration, but that would probably give them them a much better chance of working close to the wall than oth...