
Responses from audiokinesis

life without audio dealers
Bearotti,Nice to see you acknowledge the positive role at least one dealer played in your journey. Was this the same one you borrowed equipment from for an in-home audition, and then you turned around and bought the product for less money online?I... 
life without audio dealers
Mrtennis wrote:"i see no evidence that trial and error without a dealer's assistance is any less effective than getting an opinion from an audio dealer."only the consumer can decide his or her preferences. how does one learn? through listening. fr... 
Top Speakers for Nearfield Listening in Small Room
For extreme nearfield listening, I'd suggest single-driver speakers or coaxial speakers or speakers with the highest crossover around 1 kHz or less, and with a fairly steep slope. For the record, the SP Tech Timepiece mentioned by several here fal... 
life without audio dealers
Mrtennis, if I understand you correctly, you're saying that we don't need someone else (like a dealer) to tell us what we like.I'm not arguing that the dealer's role is to tell people what to like. I'm arguing that the dealer's role is to provide ... 
Build my own speakers?
My $.02 would be that while crossover design is not what gets emphasized in ad copy and is not nearly as much fun to think about as high-tech drivers and exotic materials, it's really the heart and soul of loudspeaker design. Dukedealer/manufacturer 
life without audio dealers
The journey of the audiophile is, to a certain extent, a journey of self-discovery. If we all knew what we like, what we don't like, and what we can put up with if necessary - then we could reliably make all our purchases on-line or factory-direct... 
Beolab 5 - Four Questionable Technologies
Hi Hdomke,My post above focused on what I believe is an under-appreciated aspect of loudspeaker design, namely what sort of reverberant field the speaker sets up, and its effect on timbre. I also place a high priority on a wide listening area. Two... 
Beolab 5 - Four Questionable Technologies
I haven't heard the B&O Beolab 5 yet, but seriously doubt the lenses are mere marketing drivel. They address a problem that most loudspeakers have.Briefly, very few loudspeakers generate a reverberant field that has approximately the same spec... 
subs and small room
Athipaul, I don't see how multiple subs in a small room "would only create nodes (peaks/dips) at mid-bass and higher frequencies". The subs are not contributing at mid-bass and higher frequencies, so they do not "create nodes". They do smooth the ... 
subs and small room
Rives, thanks for the kind words - you could so easily have accused me of double-talk!Seriously, my apologies for the double-post. I thought I was editing (instead of double-posting), and then my connection failed and I couldn't get back online.Duke 
Any comment on Opera Audio Consonance M15 speakers
Ben,I haven't heard the M15 but I like the format. You probably had to overcome a bit of normal audiophile skepticism to accept the notion of a 15" woofer operating well up into the midrange region - but as you heard, done right it can work very w... 
subs and small room
Small rooms are the hardest to get smooth bass in. If you are really serious about getting good bass in a small room, there is a solution but I must warn you - at first glance is seems insane. First a bit of background. You may have noticed that m... 
subs and small room
Small rooms are the hardest to get smooth bass in. If you are really serious about getting good bass in a small room, there is a solution but I must warn you - at first glance is seems insane. First a bit of background. You may have noticed that m... 
Hansen Emperor or MBL 101E or Avalon Isis
Hello Emigene,For the sidewall, a distance of two meters (6.5 feet) would be nice but is not necessary if you treat the first sidewall reflection area. I prefer diffusion instead of absorption, but if your room is too bright then use absorption. F... 
Harshness in Midrange??? Any Help
Chris,Different designers have different ideas about what matters and what doesn't. That's one of the things that makes speaker design so fascinating. It's not rocket science - there is no neat book of equations that tells you exactly what perform...