Responses from atmasphere
Filter capacitor issue @skymunky57 Despite how it was delivered, I would heed the advice of some you see here.On something like this, where the final product isn't going to be worth all that much anyway, you can really get in over your head quite quickly due to its comp... | |
The Future of Audio Amplification Ah. I thought we were talking about class D, not SETs. SETs FWIW don't (or shouldn't) get played much at full power; at normal listening levels the distortion can be near or at measurable. | |
The Future of Audio Amplification I think it's pretty safe to say that an amp that makes 10% distortion at 2 watts isn't even hi-fi by the definition of the term.@kosst_amojanThat is true- do you know of such an amplifier? | |
Can you live with your current speaker until you die? Had any one of you found the speaker for your life?So far, yes. I've had the Classic Audio Loudspeakers T-3s for about 20 years. I had them updated about 8 years ago with the new field coil midrange drivers (which employ beryllium diaphrams with K... | |
Electrostatic Speakers Relationships between distributors and manufacturers are a funny thing and have an often dark life of their own. If all your communication has been through the distributor, perhaps talking directly with Quad would be worth a shot vs. I'd hate t... | |
The Future of Audio Amplification Having said that, Class D is the future for better or worse. There is quite a bit of cost savings involved for amp makers. They can be pretty good with a tube pre amp as a bandaid. The main reason class D is the future is simple- the semiconduct... | |
What is the best 5k-plus Preamp with balanced outs and Phono stage? I am looking for a preamp with a great phono stage to replace my Anthem D2V and match up with my Ayre MXR 20's. Do you want the phono section balanced as well? FWIW all phono cartridges made are balanced sources (although they are not always trea... | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. Isn't the presumption with most speakers that they will be driven by a voltage source? And by assuming that, isn't it consequently presumed that the amplifier will provide the current according to the impedance while driving the voltage regardl... | |
Digital, Low Mass, ClassD, Less expensive, Let it happen! In 1974 the FMI 80 was a very good low-priced speaker, better than many much more expensive models from other companies.I went from Altec horns to FMI 80s (Fulton was here in Minnesota). Eventually I had a set of Js and then Premiers, before going... | |
What will a preamp do for me? From all that I've read, the LTA would seem the better choice. | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. I am comparing a 5ch and 7ch amp. Same brand and specs exactly the same except for one difference -- one is a 5ch and the other a 7ch. Same rating of Tor power supply ( 2 total valued at 1,230VA and 1,025VA) All things being equal - will soun... | |
The Future of Audio Amplification Strictly speaking, encoding is not used in Class D. There is no conversion of one type of data to another. Instead Class-D relies on feedback, and a great deal of it. It is a comparative technique. That’s the nature of Class D and why it remains... | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. Let’s look at these links as an example which are a couple you frequently drop into your posts, including on this thread which is where I pulled them from: | |
The Future of Audio Amplification There are also some amps like the latest Technics SE-R1, which are true digital amplifiers in that they convert everything from Analog to Digital, allow for phase and amplitude correction in the digital domain, and then produce an output based ... | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. But the only other relatively minor issue I’ve ever perceived in his paradigm paper is that as worded it might lead **some** readers to believe that the high output impedance and other characteristics of his amplifiers (and various other tube a... |