Responses from artemus_5
Listening Room The room simply cannot accommodate a chair in the center or, most likely, your wife and/or significant other will not allow you to place a chair where it's supposed to be when listening WHAT??? "wife and/or significant other will not allow you"... | |
ADD or Audiophile? I've noticed this when I listen to digital. I blame it on convenience. It makes us less involved because we don't have to be involved. I've never noticed this with my vinyl system.Then too, my vinyl system cost about 5x the digital so it should s... | |
Thin Line Between Critique and Courtrooms: A Dialogue on the Recent Audiophile Drama As usual, @atmasphere has some very viable points. Also consider lively debates between those who believe their ears and those who believe the measurements and how it aligns with the fact that Tekton questioned their measurements. That's just no... | |
Ken Fritz stereo system auction is live... WoW! Reading the Washington Post article is quite sad. But the video was a good balance. He lost his family over this. Yet he still seems happy on the video. I'm glad for him if it is real happiness and not put on for the camera. He seems like a g... | |
Going Tubing Like you I had a tube phono pre and wanted to find out what all the fuss was about. so I ordered a Bob Latino ST-70 Dynaco clone. I was shocked at how good it sounded. So It replaced a high $$$ SS amp. I have stepped up to 65 wpc now. My speakers ... | |
Qualities Of An End-game System For non-audiophiles an end game system is what they now have until it quits working. For audiophiles, an end game system is mostly elusive. We always need a little more or something else. satisfaction is fleeting for many, if not, most | |
Speakers, speaker cables or I’m getting old… My experiece has been that s the system gets better, the louder I can go without the harshness. This includes speaker cables, IC, and AC cables. A system is no better than its weakest link. Everything has impact IMO. Another plus is that recording... | |
CANNOT POST LINKS !!!!! Who Else _________________?????????? Maybe I am jumping to a Conclusion, but the Gon Forum at present is seemingly overcontrolling and becoming an unattractive place to attend as a Forum Contributor. This is the reason I left Audiogon for a year. The last straw for me was to get 6... | |
Looking for 50-100 watts of Tube Power (give or take) for my JBL 4349s Don Sachs Kootenay is a great amp. 65wpc KT88-6550 goodness. This is a modified VTA 120 which has the best of parts and dual regulated power supplies. Don is partnering now and making an expensive 300B amp now. Heres one listed but its been up for... | |
How important is the efficiency of a speaker to you? Over the years I have found that lower power amps (35-45 wpc) always sound better to my ears. That makes low efficiency speakers (83-87db) a non starter for me | |
DSP? Does it really do that much??? I've never heard a signal processor that I liked. They add artifacts to the music that are more egregious than the problems they were meant to sort out. | |
Not enough outlets If you bought them new then just trade them for the straight plugs. Or exchange just one for the straight plug. 2 90 degree plugs will not work in an ac outlet | |
Inflation being tracked in the UK with vinyl records Does the UK include food, housing and energy in the statistics? It's not included in the US inflation index. So, of course, the actual inflation is higher because we spend the largest part of our income on these necessities. Its a way of keeping ... | |
Thoughts on an older REL sub? I agree with @noromance . I would only add that the older Rels were underpowered for large rooms. The Rel Storm lll had a 150 watt amp whereas the newer ones have much larger amps, IE 550 for the S-5. | |
Improving a stone rack I have experimented with isolation materials. Hard surfaces like granite, glass, etc is going to emphasize the treble freq. Soft material IE Vibrapods, sorbothane will soften the highs but often at the expense of clarity. Muddy sound come to mind.... |