

Responses from artemus_5

Advice and recommendations needed for a turntable rig...
@2psyop   Sorry to hear about your friend's passing. Old friends like that are a treasure chest of memories. I have a notion that whatever TT you end up with will be a very enjoyable time.   
Advice and recommendations needed for a turntable rig...
Looking for advice from those who have used any TT set up and why. Why is easy. Vinyl pulls you into the music more than digital IMO. I think the biggest reason may be the ritual. Every 20 minutes or so you are going to have to do the dance, (t... 
I am about to embark on my next upgrade journey
I have heard the Watkins Gen 4 and they are very impressive. He demos them w/o a subwoofer in a room about 15 x 20" with 10 ft ceilings. It doesn’t lack bass in that big of a room which is ssurprising. Its not tipped up on any frequency but very b... 
Are your record surfaces as silent as CDs?
I have to agree with @rauliruegas in that with good TT, Tonearm, cartridge & Phono preamp, vinyl is nearly as quiet as digital. That is the norm. However, dust, seems to get in places which would seem impossible. I use anti-static sleeves &... 
Stuff You Tried To Love
@stuartk  Thanks. I've never been one conform just to please others. Indeed others may not like what I like but it doesn't make them bad or inferior. Just different tastes.  
Upmixing 2 channel
I love the old R&B artists of the 60's IE temptations, Four Tops, et al. But Phil Specters wall of sound usually makes it unlistenable for me which is a bummer. I'm not sure how influential he was with Motown but I've got some that sound like ... 
Stuff You Tried To Love
My Jazz albums / CD's. Especially "Kind of Blue" I've never been able to listen to the whole album because it puts me to sleep. I know one must be a jazz or female vocals guy in order to have an affirmed audiophile card but those genres just don't... 
Copper vs. Silver tonearm wire
I’m pretty sure that not all silver is bright. But which one? You can take a chance and see if you get bright silver. Or you can play it safe and get a good copper wire. There’s no right or wrong in copper or silver. You like copper better so go w... 
how to test tubes with your multimeter(filament continuity)
Ok, Thanks guy. FWIW I just bought a tube tester. Hopefully that will answer some of my questions about my tubes  
SUT With a Manley Steelhead RC?
I've never understood why one would put and SUT in a phono stage which already has a lot of gain, unless you just want it louder.     
Is it a Bad Tube or a Bad fuse (Fuse Fatigue)?
Thanks to all that replied. Testing the tubes will be next step    
Starting a Classical Vinyl Music Collection
@jdougs  The vast majority of my vinyl sounds nearly as quiet as a CD You are right. Anyone who talks about pops & clicks are not cleaning properly or have a bad setup. The higher end cartridges sound much better. Part of that is the line ... 
Is it a Bad Tube or a Bad fuse (Fuse Fatigue)?
@jea48 Yes, typo. here's the fuse 250V 0034.6008 SCHURTER Inc. | Circuit Protection | DigiKey I would get the tubes tested before ever using them again.  I agree. I don't want to use my amp for a tube tester. I was just fishing to see if anyo... 
Is it a Bad Tube or a Bad fuse (Fuse Fatigue)?
@carlsbad2  Fuse fatigue as a reason for a fuse to blow may exist  but until it blows it won't make static That makes sense. I originally thought that one of the tube pins was dirty, which is why I swapped the tube placement. My thinking was th... 
Is it a Bad Tube or a Bad fuse (Fuse Fatigue)?
@carlsbad2 Thanks. Your take on fuses are the same as Don’s. They work or they blow. Thus he believes the tube is bad. But which one since the original tube had static in the same channel & same socket? I believe in fuse fatigue. But it may be...