

Responses from artemus_5

Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good
Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good. Okay. As usual, this has turned into answering the question SHARE ALBUMS THAT ARE EXCELLENT! FWIW. I own and listen to many of these albums that have been posted. I know that some of these albums ha... 
Big Below 15k used that can play loud as heck
PA Speaker with 15 speaker and horn. Then add a sub with 18 speaker. They will be above 100db +  efficient which are made to play loud  
Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good
Only 46 million to go. Meanwhile I'll add a few more Uriah Heep.     .... Demons and Wizards Eagles.     .... Desperado , Hotel California,. One of these Nights,  On the Border Crack the Sky.     ... Live Sky,. ST (first, White Music Keb Mo.... 
Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good
@leemaze  Y’all are soooo old. I’m 37 and am I the only person here who listens to current music? Well,  I for one will not take advantage of your youth & inexperience. Now I tried those that you posted and the only one which showed any s... 
Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good
Iron Butterfly Metamorphosis Black Sabbath ..1st three Zeppelin ... All except maybe the last 2 Grand Funk ... Red, Phoenix There is a few more but in a hurry  
Raven Audio and Beyond...
@willgolf  For me, I learned from my mistakes in this hobby....pick a speaker and then match the amp. Generally I would agree with you. This is the general thought when building a system from scratch. But not necessarily true  when trying to ... 
Raven Audio and Beyond...
Speakers or Int Amp huh? You say Currently, I have a Bifrost 2 Dac, Rega P2 turntable and Dynaudio X14s running out a cheap integrated Pioneer tuner/amplifier. Given those 2 that you have listed, its a NO BRAINER to me. I certainly would not t... 
2022 is almost here. Why are you here?
@facten My goal in 2022 is to avoid conflict unless it is on the ice" Guess you are getting final forum shots in the last few days of 2021 under the thread "2022 Audio System Wish List & Thoughts About Streaming" Good call. I see you ... 
Dumb question - how do you easily insert a photo/image inline with writing text in a post?
@jjss49 I am using a PC. Not sure how its done with a tablet if that is what you are using. One thing I have learned is that text must be above or below picture. And I have to often do some hard returns (Enter on the keyboard) so as to get room ... 
Dumb question - how do you easily insert a photo/image inline with writing text in a post?
Or, Right click on picture and just "copy Image like the 1st post. But It came from another site which is what I meant to show.  
Dumb question - how do you easily insert a photo/image inline with writing text in a post?
In this case which the image was taken from US Audio mart,, I used the "image" icon  (above, inserted URL and title CJ LS 16 S2 Hope this helps  
Dumb question - how do you easily insert a photo/image inline with writing text in a post?
Like this? In this case I right click on the image and the menu has several options. In this case I just "copy image" and then come down to my post and "Paste"        
2022 Audio System Wish List and thoughts about streaming
In 2019-2020 I upgraded or added Conrad Johnson CT5 preamp Don Sachs Kootenay 120 amp Pangea 14 XL power cables (2) Core Power 1800  Balanced Power conditioner 2021 additions Teac NT 505 Streamer/Dac TriPlanar Vll tonearm As for 2022, I ma... 
Tonearm hardware shuffle - recomendations sought!
Far be it for me to talk you out of the Kuzma. I looked for a used one at a tempting price for 6-8 months. They come up very seldom and due to their popularity now, they hold their value. I had the OL Illustrious 3 on my Teres as a temporary arm f... 
Preowned Wilson Audio Chicago Dealer
This may be a prime opportunity for you. If you really want the Wilson’s then offer him 20% less for this poor product. Since these things are such dogs the price should be discounted depending on how far he talks them down. Thank him for being so...