

Responses from artemus_5

Are tubes psychological?
Tubes are neither Psycho nor Logical. But doggone, they sure sound good!  
Foundation Designer stands replica
My TT stand is very similar but not as tall. I made square wooden columns because I stained the wood. I then put a threaded rod in the center of the column and  poured concrete in the column. Allow the rod to protrude enough so as to mount the top... 
Recommendations Wanted
FWIW, I see what I believe to be other weaknesses in your system besides the speakers. IE, you have no sub listed. That may be what you need to make those speakers sing. Two is better. But It will make your mains sound much larger with a bigger so... 
Subwoofer for music, how low?
Like everything in life, it comes down to trade offs & compromise. Yes, 20hz has been the mark we have been taught to shoot at. But in reality, very little music goes down to 20hz. Then too, there is the trade off of size. In order to get down... 
When to Amp it Up?
I bought a Latino VTA ST-70 amp to dabble with tubes. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. That $1400 tube amp beat the britches off a much much higher cost SS amp that was well known w/good reviews. That 35wpc stayed in my system for 10-1... 
"Transferred from original analogue master tapes"
@sbank  Good catch. I keep forgetting that they mix cd w/ vinyl reviews.SJ & the Dap Kings have been on my buy list but I keep forgetting to buy.. Merry Christmas  
"Transferred from original analogue master tapes"
I suggest you read the reviews  here. First 2 speak of "substandard" sound. I also like funk. I also like R&B from the 60's & early 70's. But Phil Spector's Wall of sound prohibits it from sounding good. Oh well. I may peruse that site to ... 
Changes in DAC Presentation - Need Advice
+1 @lordmelton  Break in period can be "interesting" to say the least. My tube amp was so bad at time I just had to leave the room cause I couldn't stand the sound. I would think the Dac would be as bad but it will be noticeable. OTOH, it "might... 
OK-- I think I get it, now...
You u want to chase away the magic you have for the magic you don’t This is an excellent idea full of wisdom. The new found pleasure can become an addiction. In the pursuit of more excellent sound, it’s easy to want to upgrade which can be as m... 
Struggling to spend 13k with three dealers
Sorry to say it but I suspect this has or will become the new norm for shopping. FWIW I'm  sure glad to be retired. The present environment is ridiculous and getting worse for the business & the consumer. Plus you have the Christmas holidays w... 
How long do you or should you keep your gear.
then you have the propensity of hunger, they loved to eat tapes, a form of self-canibalism now that I think about it   That is the attribute I mostly think of when 8 track is mentioned. I got pretty good at splicing them using scotch tape. Alw... 
How long do you or should you keep your gear.
I have my Harmon Kardon 730 which i bought in 1978. My speakers have been with me 20 yrs. But the article talks about advertising pointed at us to make us uncomfortable with last years model. Nothing new at all. The Stones had a major hit in the m... 
$1,500 phono upgrade worth it?
What I can't figure out is the noticeable hum when I turn on the stage with nothing playing I agree with @ghdprentice. The phono pre is very important and one at 3 times the cost of the present one will be a big upgrade IMO. However, if you hav... 
What Recordings Of Yours Did Not Age Well?
All my Zeppelin & Sabbath for sure along with Grand Funk and a few others. Totally worn out from play with the cheap record players I had as a youngin. Fortunately I have new ones now  
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption
Only he who has spirit ought to have possessions: What is his definition of spirit? The reason for the question is because his statement seems rather odd to me. As I understand, we are all spirit beings. And, if so, then we all "ought to have ...